Ks Speaker of House

I'll probably catch a lot of "flack" for this, but on the news this morning they stated that the Kansas Speaker of the House is in trouble for a statement he made about The First Lady, referring to her as "Mrs. Yoooo Mama". Now I'm not going to say anything derogatory about the First Lady because I don't believe that either she of the current person she is with will remain in the WHITE house very much longer. Amen.:yi kes:
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 01-06-2012, 09:13 AM
I don't think he's in trouble for his tasteless email, just being called out for it. I hope we don't have to hear about the lack of respect given to future first ladies when and if a republican gets in the white house sense none is being given to the current one.
You may not like who is in the white house right now, but you damn well better respect the title and the people who are in it.....regardless of how long they will be there.

I was never a fan of Bush Jr (my name for him), but when I had a chance to meet him in person and spend time talking to him, I did it. For the simple fact of actually exchanging words with a sitting POTUS and I respect the title.

When you're in politics you need to choose your words carefully no matter who you're talking to, emailing or texting. People in politics love to leak info.

What he did was disrespectful.

Plus, I don't think you need to say anything derogatory Grizzy.....your post speaks volumes.
I apologize for even putting this out there. MsElena you're right, we should and do respect the people in the white house. Just, I was never a real fan of him or her. Sorry :-(
Politicians all stick their foot in their mouths all the time. The First Lady really hasn't done anything that bad except want to get kids healthy. Is that why people dislike her so much? Because she wants people to be and get healthy?
I agree. I wish you well.
dirty dog's Avatar
Politicians all stick their foot in their mouths all the time. The First Lady really hasn't done anything that bad except want to get kids healthy. Is that why people dislike her so much? Because she wants people to be and get healthy? Originally Posted by MsElena
I think a lot of people feel negatively towards her as a backlash to the way the media fell all over themselves to praise her, talk about her arms and her fashion since, called her the new Jackie O before they were even in the White House. The way they ogled her and cooed about every aspect of her I think turned many people against her. Its too bad because I believe her only agenda is heathy kids, a lot of the time a first lady is thought well of when her husband is not, Laura Bush is generally thought well of where GW is not. This is not the case here. Of course she did not help her self during the election when she made some comments which could be taken as a little unamerican LOL, but I think she is alright.
WOW, I just noticed how you had put the word WHITE in caps. I skipped right over that the first time I read it.

Maybe I'll just start calling it the cracker house or the white boy house or the honky house the next time a WHITE republican gets into office. Maybe I'll just start reacting to POTUS the way some others do, by not giving respect.

Seriously, when is the racist shit going to stop?

Oh yeah....I wish you well too.
I didn't mean anything racist when I capitalized "WHITE" house. Please don't think of it that way. I'm not a racist; I have shared many days and nights elbow to elbow with my fellow African Americans during my career in the military. I could tell you lots of stories, especially during the Vietnam conflict, but not here. I think it's time to stop this thread. I apologize if you think that I'm negative. lol.
ss4699's Avatar
Politicians all stick their foot in their mouths.... Originally Posted by MsElena
And I don't have to be a politician to put my foot in my mouth!
Newtown - You're absolutely right, and I sure did, and I apologize. Ain't gona happen again.
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
I think the primary concern was the allegation that this nonsense occurred on government computers or government email accounts. Frankly, I don't really care about the content of what was said, but I do care that it was alleged to have been done over a medium I have to pay for against my will.

That said, I think the falling all over themselves the media did to prop these people up is a complete disgrace. The media establishment, as well as the legal establishment has been in the bag for these folks for years. Never has someone come to the office that has been so poorly vetted, and without qualifications of any sort. I think these people are complete narcissists, who see themselves as being entitled to what others have earned and they act it on a daily basis with how they play with our money. I think the wife in particular is a driving force in it, and I think she is an ugly person both in physicality, as well as what you don't see.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I think our dislike of Michelle Obama is about her negativity, her falseness, and her hypocrisy.
Number One; like Hillary Clinton Michelle got real good, highly paid job when her husband became a successful politician in Chicagao. She got a job for a hospital where she engineered a way to turf indigent patients to other hospitals. Her position has not been filled since she left making it obvious that it was just for her. That shows personal corruption on her part and hypocritical behavior by treating poor patients differently despite federal law.
Michelle spoke volumes when she said that this was the first time that she has been proud of her country. The moon landing, Challenger, 9/11, stopping the slaughter in Bosnia, etc and that was the first time???
Her and her husband both have statement about students not going into the private sector but working for government instead. Which is exactly what she DIDN'T do. Hypocrisy.
Her garden is built on soil fertilized by the Clintons with raw sewage. Nothing grown there can be eaten safely. It is a fraud.
Her elite lifestyle while telling the rest of us to power down. Going to the farmers market in DC with an entourage and the streets closed off for a 2 mile trip.
While she promotes good eating habits when she talks, she has BBQ'd ribs, Kobi beef, and very unhealthy food for the White House.
Part of the dislike come from the press as well. They went crazy when Sarah Palin left Alaska without more than a couple of changes of clothes and then they went out and bought something for her to wear. Yes, it cost money because she was running for VP. The same press can't bring themselves to ask about the jewelry and $3,000 dresses worn by Michelle. She has every right to spend HER money on this but where is the curiousity (and condemnation) of the press.
Finally, there are just some people you like and some you don't like. I don't like her and never have. If you think this is a racial thing (and all libs think everything is racial which says more about their mindset than their words) I love Harris Faulkner, I like Halle Berry, I'm cool about Oprah, and I don't like Hillary either.

As for as the email, was it private? Some people say certains things or bend certain words in private which they won't do in public. For example; whenever I use the word graduate I usually say grad-e-ate as an homage to my mother who said it that way a few times. I won't do that in public or on an official document.
If it bothers people how much she spends on her clothes, then maybe the Target, J Crew and Old Navy shirts/dresses/sweaters she buys are just too expensive then and she should go to a thrift shop.

The food....give me a break, its not like they eat Kobi steak everynight.

I don't always think its a racial thing, but this thread started off as a racist post. If he truly didn't intend for the word WHITE to be in caps, then he should've changed it after it was posted. Having the word WHITE in caps makes it as racist as it comes, no matter how you dress it up.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I think I said I don't what SHE spends on her clothes but I have a problem with the press. The press was critical of Pat Nixon (you're probably too young to remember) and her coats, the press had all sorts of names for Nancy Reagan and her dresses, and you are old enough to remember all the innuendos about Sarah Palin (the naughty school teacher look) and Michelle Bachmann (just small is her butt). So why doesn't the press give the same, and same kind, of attention to Michelle Obama's presentation (and the cost).
I could just link the picture but I thought you might like the article. http://bigjournalism.com/pjsalvatore...s-more-racist/