A Question About Condoms Ladies and Gentlemen

Eccie Addict's Avatar
Ok we all like to hear that we are big, at least I know I do. But I really don't have a clue whether I am or not...lol. I mean I hear it all the time but don't know whether to believe it or not.

My question is (gentlemen) which ones do you like best? How the hell do you find out which one fits you best without having to go spend a bunch of money trying out a whole lot of different ones.

Also (ladies) what the hell is cosidered big? Is it different for every woman? Do you just tell your clients that because you know we all like to hear it. I would go out and buy the magnums if I didn't feel embarrassed about it. I was also wondering which ones you like best? Do the ones that have ribs and all that fancy crap really make any difference?

Just a question that I wanted to ask since I figured all of you would have the best advice and I know I will also get some good laughs from it as well.
Magnum Thin

They Fit Condoms used to be great, but they aren't made anymore.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Try these... they are my favorites... RatBoyJam told me about them... said he heard about them from Civil Barrister....
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 07-03-2010, 07:54 PM
Magnum ecstasy are great tight at bottom loose at top, others feel like the have a strangle hold on my Dick
pyramider's Avatar
RBJ is always passing on CB's favorites.
1ThickBlond's Avatar
Condomania sells custom Sized-to-fit condoms. A few of my guys have tried them and really liked them. http://secure.condomania.com/TheyFit/
For me, ribbed sucks. So do all the other "fancy" ones. I don't want molded rubber going in like speed bumps! The walls of my lady are sensitive dammit! LOL. She likes to envelope smoothness; a bumpy ride is no good.

If you want to know whether you're a big guy, then maybe think about how the condom feels the next time you put it on. Is it overly uncomfortable? Do you feel like you're wearing a cock ring (which can be a great feeling, but not good for a condom to be that tight...could cause breakage)? It shouldn't feel like a hard squeeze...just a fitted glove or pair of pants. If its "tight" tight, you need to move up a size or two. Also try synthetic lambskin or some other alternative to latex...they have more give without more risk.

Save some for me!
1ThickBlond's Avatar
Lambskin only prevents pregnancy. It does not prevent STD's.
Sorry, I meant synthetic lamb skin. There are some that are made from some kind of neoprene or something similar that literally says "synthetic lambskin" on the package. I wish I could recall the brand. Anyway, sorry I misspoke...I just meant another material might help.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
condomcountry.com has an assortment pack of larger sized condoms that is affordable and fun to try out different brands. Their "assortment" pack of 100 condoms (regular sized condoms) for $24.99 is just great as well. Even the off brands have worked fine for me.

Here are a few links:

The condom sampler page: (I'm not finding the special that I've ordered a few times of 100 condoms for $24.99 here. They might not offer it anymore!)

Overall, I've had a good response with the Kimono larger sized condoms. They're also good if you need to get condoms that run a little smaller than average.

But for about fifteen dollars, getting the large sized sampler pack is really a good and cheap way to try out several different brands to see what you like.

The other reason why I appreciate condomcountry, is they're always sending out coupons to use and you get your order, generally, within just a couple of days, regardless of what mailing option you pay for.

They're great.

If you are going to purchase your own condoms, for goodness sakes, please spare all of the girls the horrible smell of the Trojan brand and stay the hell away from magnums.

Lifestyles sells an XL and a new one called KYNG... I'm just saying...
LittleSpike's Avatar
I think I'm average, and those asian condoms (that the girls provide at AMP's) are generally small and tight, so I bring my own.

as long as they fit....durex seems to put me in a choke hold....might be okay during duration but after the act....i have to darn near cut if off. trojan and lifestyles better fit.... wow...i thought all condoms had the same taste? it is the Nonoxynol-9 that i thought was the culprit.
Guest091710's Avatar
Another great way to try the readily available in stores condoms are to buy the 3 pack for about $4. i strongly dislike durex since having one break. i use to buy the durex assortment pack because of the price. NEVER again.