How was your July 4th weekend?

Kay of Houston's Avatar
How was your July 4th weekend? Hope everyone had a wonderful time!

flowerflower1's Avatar
the 4th would have been better if you were able to get a car and drive to college station for a visit... hope your 4th was fun!!!
Captain Gus's Avatar
It was great ms honey;
Thanks for asking;
It was very good...relaxing. I got on the grill and cooked up some good chicken, ribs, and steaks. The only thing that was missing was a good session with a great provider.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 07-06-2010, 07:16 AM
How was your July 4th weekend?

Wet!!! Wasn't able to boat as much as I would have liked.
Guest091710's Avatar
Great i thanked a cpl of Vets, then went 4 wheeling in the mud, boating, jet ski, and then back to 4 wheeling in the mud. Grilled a brisket that fell apart in half when i picked it up, drank some beer, fireworks, then back in the river. Total river rat, sadly it was up about 4 feet from normal so Our beach was gone. Thanks, How was Yours?
actually it was my birthday and I had fun. Smoked 2 briskets starting at 11pm on the 3rd, barbecued fajitas, sausage and grilled some salmon for sister and healthy conscience folks. of course there was a lot of beer and girly drinks for the ladies. to wrap it up, bout 40 minutes worth of fireworks for kiddies who accompanied parents. all in all, great day and night. Glad the weather was with us.
wow subcilla, we need to hook up for a play date fourwheeling. i have a 3....well one is for smaller folks but 2 big ones. and day after 4th, had to drain and flush oil out of larger 2 because the night of fireworks and food, company wanted to ride. well kids decided to go in 5 feet of water above normal average in ditch and drowned em out. crankcases full of water.
Guest091710's Avatar
Yeah my friend just had a snorkel kit put on, and takes it in the Sanjacinto River all the time. It belongs to a friend though, i don't own one. He has a big 850cc Polaris.
mind have snorkels to....but to deep is too deep. no matter how deep it is, going down a 30 ditch drain that is half full, the bike will take in water. the art of riding.....a little bit of a science to it.
Guest091710's Avatar
Yes Sir, the snorkels are lotsa fun, especially if Your the kind of girl who likes to get wet and dirty
And Kim, how was YOUR 4th of July weekend?

Mine was alternately wet, hot, way too loud and way too short.

Had an appointment that didn't happen, so I didn't get to enjoy the private fireworks display that I was hoping for.
JohnnyFarangly's Avatar
Just back from a weekend in Vegas.

(Still dont know how that tiger got into my bedroom)
MLisa's Avatar
  • MLisa
  • 07-06-2010, 07:47 PM
Great! Wonderful travels to visit family and friends, not only celebrated and gave thanks for the blessings of living in a country as great as ours is (yeah we got our problems but we're working on it, nuff said on that politic) but also kicked off the family birthday month. (last count we had 8 different bd's this month, wow October must have been cold)
So lots of bbq, explosives and good fun. Hope you all did too!
Guest091710's Avatar
Just back from a weekend in Vegas.

(Still dont know how that tiger got into my bedroom) Originally Posted by JohnnyFarangly
How about the rooster, i know it was the spiked jagger