Brooke's True Colors!!!

Jenna Wild's Avatar
I know this will get me banned. Do i care? No! I have kept my mouth shut too dam long! Will this hurt my business? Hell no! What was important was for the clients to see how shady someone could be! Before you waste valuable time and money as many do not want to join p411!That's why provider references are useful ,but in no way 100% accurate . Have you ever read negative about me? No! Do i deliver as promised? Hell yea ! (I give it a 110%) Do i have positive reviews on this board? yes! So now I am off to find a new board that doesn't permit bashing to new providers and that make them feel welcomed Brooke you need to decide hunny if you want to be a moderator or a provider! You act like the eccie police! Here ya go gents here is her true colors !Here is her response to cant we all get along! and I am the bad one?

"" I don’t think it’s about supporting each other. I think there is always going to be a lady who comes around who has been providing for 1/2 a second and has a cocky, "I know it all attitude" and wants to run the board and wants everyone to agree with everything she says.

Someone who has been providing for a few months, can’t compare their knowledge to someone who has been providing for years. Nikki Devine comes to mind.

But I have seen this happen many times over the years … their here for a few months and then evaporate into thin air.

Also, sometimes I think it is to much to ask that we all get along at all times.

There is an old saying … “If 2 people always get along, 1 person is not thinking”
__________________ ... Now booking appointments for this week, as early as 6am or late as 12am ...

Pre-screening is a great way to secure a last minute appointment.

This is a perfect solution for men who are not always able to pre-book or suddenly find their selves w/ some free time & are seeking an appointment right away.
This process is very easy. Just send me these 3 things:
1) 1st name 2) Screening info 3) Last 4 digits of your cell phone number
I will e-mail/PM you back & confirm if I was able to pre-screen you.
Your screening code will simply be the last 4 digits of your cell number.
Then when you are ready to book your appointment please just reference your screening code when you contact me.
Whats happening to this site?
I dont think anyone gives a shit, IMHO this is annoying as fuck.
I thought everyone here was mature.
carkido45's Avatar
Brook you have some explaining to do naughty girl.
notanewbie's Avatar
Whats happening to this site?
I dont think anyone gives a shit, IMHO this is annoying as fuck.
I thought everyone here was mature. Originally Posted by laphotoérotique

this is the COED, drama rules.

this is the COED, drama rules. Originally Posted by notanewbie
i just dont find it entertaining.
I know this will get me banned. Do i care? No! I have kept my mouth shut too dam long! Will this hurt my business? Hell no! What was important was for the clients to see how shady someone could be! Before you waste valuable time and money as many do not want to join p411!That's why provider references are useful ,but in no way 100% accurate . Have you ever read negative about me? No! Do i deliver as promised? Hell yea ! (I give it a 110%) Do i have positive reviews on this board? yes! So now I am off to find a new board that doesn't permit bashing to new providers and that make them feel welcomed Brooke you need to decide hunny if you want to be a moderator or a provider! You act like the eccie police! Here ya go gents here is her true colors !Here is her response to cant we all get along! and I am the bad one?

"" I don’t think it’s about supporting each other. I think there is always going to be a lady who comes around who has been providing for 1/2 a second and has a cocky, "I know it all attitude" and wants to run the board and wants everyone to agree with everything she says.

Someone who has been providing for a few months, can’t compare their knowledge to someone who has been providing for years. Nikki Devine comes to mind.

But I have seen this happen many times over the years … their here for a few months and then evaporate into thin air.

Also, sometimes I think it is to much to ask that we all get along at all times.

There is an old saying … “If 2 people always get along, 1 person is not thinking”
__________________ ... Now booking appointments for this week, as early as 6am or late as 12am ...

Pre-screening is a great way to secure a last minute appointment.

This is a perfect solution for men who are not always able to pre-book or suddenly find their selves w/ some free time & are seeking an appointment right away.
This process is very easy. Just send me these 3 things:
1) 1st name 2) Screening info 3) Last 4 digits of your cell phone number
I will e-mail/PM you back & confirm if I was able to pre-screen you.
Your screening code will simply be the last 4 digits of your cell number.
Then when you are ready to book your appointment please just reference your screening code when you contact me. Originally Posted by alyssa32
You're making the classic mistake of thinking that anyone really gives a sailing shit about your personal squabble with Brooke. Despite what people may type here, they don't fucking care. "Copy - Paste" all you want, Brooke will still have hobbyists go see her. Hell, they'll still go see you despite the galactic mountain of bullshit you're creating.

Do yourself a favor and turn off your computer for 48 hours. Have a few drinks and a couple of tacos, better yet have a SUBWAY. Then come back and see if this is all worth it.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Cat fight...sorry I just couldn't resist.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
What did I say that was rude and ugly in that post? I love that comment, I stand by it and I thank you for posting it.

So what are these awful true colors of mine you speak of? I speak in private, in the ladies area, just like I do in co-ed. AND?
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 07-06-2010, 09:19 PM
This will be fun. So is brook the one that did not give you the reference you wanted? Or you pissed she thinks you are cocky?
Htowner's Avatar
Take it as you wish, since I have never met either one of you. Just my honest opinion.
We see this on the guys' side every day. Some guy registers , has had a few hobby experiences, and comes off like he has it all figured out and the rest of us just belong to wax museum.
Some tell him a thing or two and some just give him enough rope . Most don't last, and is just like a fly that comes in the room, buzz around, bothers your afternoon and then it is gone.
I was one of the most skeptics about P411 but I am glad I joined and worth the money. Providers' references is not exactly the best source any more. It was all that we had at one time but that train has left the station. Never hurts to have a supplement but it is not the main thing any more. You can fight it all you want .
After competition, jealousies, and plain, honest lack of memory about some guy you saw three months ago which could have been someone else or be confused with another, not really that reliable. We don't even want to get into how much drama goes into most lives there, which competes heavily with who and where and when all happened.
I am not discounting your opinion. Don't discount others' experience.
Jenna Wild's Avatar
You're making the classic mistake of thinking that anyone really gives a sailing shit about your personal squabble with Brooke. Despite what people may type here, they don't fucking care. "Copy - Paste" all you want, Brooke will still have hobbyists go see her. Hell, they'll still go see you despite the galactic mountain of bullshit you're creating.

Do yourself a favor and turn off your computer for 48 hours. Have a few drinks and a couple of tacos, better yet have a SUBWAY. Then come back and see if this is all worth it. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
I believe I am making a valid point! So do others!

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I say guys deserve to know if a certain provider won't vouch for them. If it happened to me I damn sure wouldn't see that provider again
Jenna Wild's Avatar
This will be fun. So is brook the one that did not give you the reference you wanted? Or you pissed she thinks you are cocky? Originally Posted by trey
Brooke will not provide references for new providers cause her goal is to eat us all up and spit us out She states "were only here temporary" I personally think she is scared of a little competition but i do not want her role! she wants to be super moderator ! I just want to be me!
Mojojo's Avatar
You're making the classic mistake of thinking that anyone really gives a sailing shit about your personal squabble with Brooke. Despite what people may type here, they don't fucking care. "Copy - Paste" all you want, Brooke will still have hobbyists go see her. Hell, they'll still go see you despite the galactic mountain of bullshit you're creating.

Do yourself a favor and turn off your computer for 48 hours. Have a few drinks and a couple of tacos, better yet have a SUBWAY. Then come back and see if this is all worth it. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
Noooooooooooooo!!! Please whatever you do dont drink, seriously dont . . . we dont wanna hear anymore bullshit! Damn it ender wtf? lol
You're making the classic mistake of thinking that anyone really gives a sailing shit about your personal squabble with Brooke. Despite what people may type here, they don't fucking care. "Copy - Paste" all you want, Brooke will still have hobbyists go see her. Hell, they'll still go see you despite the galactic mountain of bullshit you're creating.

Do yourself a favor and turn off your computer for 48 hours. Have a few drinks and a couple of tacos, better yet have a SUBWAY. Then come back and see if this is all worth it. Originally Posted by enderwiggin

Im rollling on the floor laughing !!! Omg this shit is funny ..........Your so right nobody cares this is just another cry for attention that will fade in and out quickly. Soooooo funny
The G.O.A.T's Avatar
So I guess that Alyssa/ Brooke threesome I was planning is out of the picture now.