Odd posting on BP

So I was perusing BP as one does, and in one particular add, the providers writes the usual "by meeting me you are not affiliated with LE." What was odd is that she also includes "or DHHS" in the post.

I don't get this. Does DHHS have a vice squad I don't know about? Their own SWAT team? What about hostage negotiators or CSI?

I realize that I don't post much so none of you know my personality, but just to clear things up, my questions are mainly sarcastic. Although if anyone can shed some light on the whole DHHS thing that would be awesome.
newyorkboy's Avatar
Child protective services? Maybe she's got kids? Or maybe she's on the health department gonorrhea list
I assume she lists massages in the ad. They have cracked down on a couple of people for not being liscenced.
department of health and human services...... they help with all kinds of stuff from mental health ex suicide, violence like hitting walls but not a spouse, to correctional re-adjustment to civilian life to child neglect and just normal adolescence miss behavior.
They also license various health related professions eg massage therapists so Rice was correct and relevant.
Not sure if Nebraska hhs is directly involved in cerb's area except for monitoring and/or licensing organizations who do.