News flash: the Saints still kick ass!

Lowboy77's Avatar
The best part about this season is gonna be the look on that chode Goodell's face when they are playing in the Superbowl on home field!! Hey Godell suck my COCK!!!!!! That is all for this rant thank you and have a good day. )
DallasRain's Avatar
  • MrGiz
  • 08-26-2012, 11:47 PM
Goodell should not be allowed onto the stage, to present the Superbowl Trophy to the Saints on Sunday Night , Feb 3rd , 2013 !!

No Fucking Way!!

I can't wait to hear the crowd.... booing his worthless ass!!

He should be banned & barred from the Dome!!
I wish we could put some money on this. IDK, have the providers shuttle the money back and forth....a double reason to see them?

No way will the Saints win the Superbowl. They played to a draw with the Texans (second teams don't count....ever), They lost to Jacksonville? Lost to Patriots.

I am willing to take your money.....just count it as the cost of y'all being such homers. If I am wrong.....well it is always more fun to be in NOLA when the Saints are winning.

I love football, to me it is the reason we have the Fall....otherwise it is pretty worthless unless you live in the northeast and like to see the trees change color.
  • MrGiz
  • 08-27-2012, 02:07 AM
I wish we could put some money on this. IDK, have the providers shuttle the money back and forth....a double reason to see them?

No way will the Saints win the Superbowl. They played to a draw with the Texans (second teams don't count....ever), They lost to Jacksonville? Lost to Patriots.

I am willing to take your money.....just count it as the cost of y'all being such homers. If I am wrong.....well it is always more fun to be in NOLA when the Saints are winning.

I love football, to me it is the reason we have the Fall....otherwise it is pretty worthless unless you live in the northeast and like to see the trees change color. Originally Posted by disilene
You place entirely too much importance on pre-season games!

I suppose you know which NFC team will go to the game? Let's face it... it's a longshot crapshoot, trying to guess who's gonna make it. The Saints are at least as good as any other team in the entire NFL.... their winning percentage over the past five years proves that point!
If I'm gonna pick a team that has a legitimate chance of going.... I might as well pick MY team... and feel good about it!

The only way I would like to see Goodell up on that stage , would be to watch him get kicked right square in the NUTS... and then watch all the bounty money raining down from out of the stands like confetti!! The next best thing, I guess... would be to watch him have to hand the trophy to the Saints!

Since the NFL season will be over at that point.... I'm wondering if Sean Payton might even be able to be up there on that stage , with the biggest shit-eatin grin you've ever seen?
I agree preseason games mean nothing. But the 1's vs 1's matchups can be a predictor for the season. So far the saints are not clicking and hitting their stride. Perhaps because of Brees holding out and the coaches MIA (Interim of the interim coach?).

However, with the superbowl being in NOLA, from what I have seen of the first unit (offense still not on the same page, Defense still sucks...if not for the fumbles by the Texans....that was getting ugly quickly).....I would place some serious money on the Saints not making the superbowl.

Unless you are a is just too good a bet to pass up. Now if I am wrong, well I will probably be having too much fun to care.

I see the Packers going. If they pick up MJD, they will be stronger in the run game....with an amazing passing offense.

Saints have multiple choices at running back, but the o line has to get it together to protect Brees. Give him time in the pocket to be able to go through his progressions. Really though, the biggest problem I see with the Saints is still the Defense. It is nonexistent, so the offense will have to win shoot outs. Can they do it? I don't think they can do it enough times. There are some defenses out there that can slow down the Saints and really bring the pressure on the Saints D. So if someone were to offer me a bet that Saints would make the superbowl? I would say it is a smart easy bet to say they won't.

I played football for 7 years high school and college. I don't support any NFL team...I think it is all marketing gimmicks....since the team changes so often anyway. If I had a favorite team....yeah I would probably be a homer, but I like watching the game just for love of the game. I could really care less who wins, as long as it was a well fought game.
Its the Giz!
  • MrGiz
  • 08-27-2012, 10:45 AM
Smoooooooches at ya, ZK!

The Saints have been dealt a shitty hand, by Goodell.... combined with a still shitty defense, we have a very longshot at making my post season dream come true.

But, it would still be a sweet revenge!

Almost as sweet as Zada!!
I'd like to send Goodell a copy of.the movie "Waiting" just as a reminder a Saints fan will most likely be fixing his meals.
nolatribalwarfare's Avatar
Goodell is not only screwing the Saints and the Saints fans. He is screwing the NFL and all the NFL fans.Get rid of all the scab refs and bring back the regulars. I had never seen so many bad calls in a week of football games.They are so inept they don't even know whats going on.
Lowboy77's Avatar
never piss an NFL team off. The level of talent is very close even between the worst and the best teams. MOTIVATION is everything in the league. missing Payton's play calling may be hard to overcome but the Saints will be very hard to beat especially in the Dome Baby!