What has happened to the home page?

It is totally different, does not fit on my screen in IE 11.
jimmysixo's Avatar
What happened to the home page? It looks different so I'm going to log out for now till I find out. Don't want to log in to some fake site.
Totempole's Avatar
Hate the colors and especially the font (too small)

Less info on a page is not good (vertically expanded)

Screen is so bright white its hard to look at
SpiceItUp's Avatar
It looks like they implemented a new skin. Go here to offer feedback.
jimmysixo's Avatar
I think the home page is incomplete. Looks like some of the menu info is missing. I don't like it...too bright and hard to navigate.
Looks a mess...
cabletex7's Avatar

Emoji didn't take but . . .
I like it.
LexusLover's Avatar
Some of this could be eliminated by some advance notice.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I missed the memo
It's an absolute clusterfuck on an iPad or other mobile device. Screen keeps jumping around as you try to scroll and ads are being loaded. :/
Can we go back plz ?
Makeoutbandit's Avatar
Agree with her
Greybeard44's Avatar
New format sucks. Too bright, fonts almost unreadable, how about an option to use old format????

cabletex7's Avatar
Two days later: I still like it.
universalenergy's Avatar