Fulfilling a fantasy with the SO

RangoFett's Avatar
This one could be an adventure. Potentially trying to fulfill a fantasy with my current SO. I am not very active with the ladies but I have seen some wonderful providers in the last few years. :-)

i am finding out that it is more difficult than I originally anticipated do to my lack of activity and what I would consider a strong vigilant attitude by a few providers. Totally understandable, :-).

We have talked about going to various swingers lounges but we are very private people. So that is probably out.

I started by showing her some pictures of a few providers. She loves tattoos on girls and provided some feedback on a few of them.

This encounter would be more oral between the provider saving the best for last with my SO while the provider watches. :-)

I know search is your friend but I didn't turn up much. Any feedback on any of this would be appreciated!

Also, this was her idea !!!

Thx All!!
Iaintliein's Avatar
Best of luck to you and a hearty congratulations. After decades of asking, and being told she has no sexual fantasies, I've resigned myself to the fact that my SO is telling the truth.

So very sad. I've often thought how great it would be to share her with an appreciative (straight) man to remind her that she really is desirable. Even a faux "paid" session to show her men would even pay as a way to re-kindle and reinforce interest in pleasure.

Anyway, back on track and sorry for the diversion, though she is notoriously hard to stay in touch with, Peach Pleasure loves the ladies and couples. But it's darned hard to actually communicate with her. It's been a while, so I don't know/remember if she has tattoos.

If you get ahold of her tell her I'm sorry we couldn't get together as planned Saturday for pictures, her cell wasn't working.