Is there a rule?

I just saw a provider today. It was a great session in my opinion. She has several reviews on a few other places but not this board. My question is this. She asked me to not review her that she wanted to kinda stay UTR. I checked around here and she isn't a member here and I don't think she's knows about eccie. What should I do? Are there any rules as to posting a review, good or bad. (this particular review would be a good/recommend) Do they have to be members here? What would you guys do?
Lea Madisson's Avatar
There will be two sides to this story. Some guys will say post a review anyway. It was your session, you paid for it, no law against it okay, maybe a law against what you did, but none about posting it, LOL)... etc.

Then there will be those who will say respect her wishes!

I, being a provider, say you should respect her wishes.

On ECCIE, you can post a review of anyone you have seen, regardless whether they are a member here or not. The guy Mods will know more about all that.

But, if you want to see her again, and she finds out you did not honor her wishes, OOPS!!!


JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
I have to agree with Lea. If she were a member of ECCIE, there's a rule about reviews. Since she is not a member, and she does not want reviews, I recommend against posting one.

bluffcityguy's Avatar
She asked me to not review her that she wanted to kinda stay UTR. Originally Posted by CasinoBoy
What part of "I want to keep a low profile" do you not understand?

I think Lea and JaG are being kinder to you than you deserve here. If a lady says "Don't review me", and you review her anyway, you're being a boor, pure and simple. The lady's wishes with respect to reviews take priority over your desire to review her. Period.

And not only are you jeopardizing your standing with her individually (as Lea suggests), but if she ever decides to stop being UTR and starts interacting with the provider community your disregard for her wishes could become more generally known and affect your reputation among the other ladies.


am-a-pleaser's Avatar
She wants to stay UTR right now. If anyone ask you privately for her info, let her know there's some interest. She can take it from there. Many reasons why a lady wants to stay UTR.
vicinms's Avatar
Just curious Casinoboy - are the other reviews on her recent and if so were they posted against her wishes?

I have to agree with the other it's probably best not to post a review in this case, but of course you know it comes at the expense of no opportunity for free PA credit. That's a small price, especially if you want to see her again.

I would invite her to join ECCIE and then she may want a review, to ease the Verification process!
coast_encounter's Avatar
I usually ask if they mind a review being posted. If they do want one posted I respect her wishes and keep it to myself. I have only had one lady ask to not have one posted though.
topsgt38801's Avatar
I always try to ask if they mind being reviewed. If they say no, I most definitely do not. Only way I would is if I forgot to ask and she forgot to tell me. Always treat the ladies with respect and diginity. This is a job to them and you are a customer, but I would have to say this would be one of the exceptions where the customer is not always right.

Guest031213-03's Avatar
I agree. If a lady doesn't want to be reviewed and asked you not to, please don't do it anyway. When I first started, I didn't want reviews and asked people not to write them and they did anyhow. We could have many reasons for not wanting reviews. Please respect her wishes.

Now I love getting reviews.
There are many reasons for ladies to stay UTR and anybody should respect it. And I'm sure if you will need a reference she will be happy to provide it or if you decide to see her again it will be much more pleasant for her to talk to a loyal gentlemen.
Don't treat others the way you wouldn't like to be treated yourself. Respect others wishes.
Although if it would be the case where you absolutely not happy with the visit and its a rip off then I would suggest to let other gentlemen know and be carefull.
rednecksatyr's Avatar
Simple solution to this - honor the lady's request. No review!
wildcat4fun's Avatar
Simple solution to this - honor the lady's request. No review! Originally Posted by rednecksatyr
EZRider's Avatar
I'd honor her request. There is only one reason to post a review of a woman with a "no review" policy - that's to warn the guys of significant issues, risks, problems and/or concerns.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
I'd honor her request. There is only one reason to post a review of a woman with a "no review" policy - that's to warn the guys of significant issues, risks, problems and/or concerns. Originally Posted by EZRider
And arguably that's not a "review", that's an "alert".

