Lonely Providers and Clients During the Holidays

I feel this belongs in Coed versus Sandbox so if a Mod disagrees please feel free to move it. My logic is it's a result of the hobby so it belongs here.

Because of our the nature of many of our lives, many in this hobby are lonely people and it's never more pronounced than during the holidays. While I'm very blessed and with family but many ladies I know from here are alone and it breaks my heart to know some of you are sitting alone (if it's by choice fine) and I want to say there are people out there that care about you, are thinking about you, and praying for you.

I know ladies on here whose families have banished them for choices they've made and they are some of the sweetest people I've ever met. They cannot see their children or even talk to their parents because the family solely judges them on the choices they've made in life or specifically for their profession.

I want the ladies to know they are more than just a piece of ass. Some of you console me, lift me up with a random email, or keep me going at home because you give me what I'm missing there.

Think this is too sappy? I don't care a bit - I care about people, girls and guys, who are alone and just want to say it happens to most at some point in our lives and it gets better eventually.

A very sweet lady here tried to get a Thanksgiving dinner going for people on here who are alone. While it didn't work out - she's a Saint in my eyes. Just because people hobby, we all have our own stories and by no means makes anyone a bad person.

For anyone that's seen or chatted with me - thank you. I appreciate you more than words can express. People always say I'm a nice guy - it's because I very, very genuinely care about these ladies as people, not just an object.

If you're alone tonight or tomorrow - you're not the only one. Many people are with family and miserably alone in their hearts. At least if you're physically alone you have a chance to meet someone, if you're with someone and alone it's a true prison of unhappiness.

Maybe I've spent too much time on here the last 7 months but tonight I couldn't stop thinking of those that were alone and possibly depressed. One of my ATFs is going through some depression right now and I just had to throw it out there to everyone that you're not alone and there are people that care.

Merry Christmas everyone, and if you need someone to talk to PM me or email me at EasyLover214@gmail.com.
pyramider's Avatar
Happy Taintmas!!!
A very nice sentiment
Thank you Easy......it was very nice to open the PM and hear your gratitude and appreciation.
That was so kind of you! I will be spending my Christmas taking appointments hopefully bringing joy to some of the hobbyists (no idea if I spelled that right but hey I'm no websters dictionary) who don't have any one to spend their day with. My family is far far away so I know how it feels to be alone on days like these. But as the OP said, if there is anyone feeling lonely and needs someone to talk to you can email me at Jillian.price26@gmail.com. I'm always here if anyone needs someone to listen or a shoulder to cry on. That goes for providers as well. Hope everyone enjoys their day tomorrow!
I just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.
This is so reflective of your genuinely kind personality! It just goes to show that being kind does not mean you are weak. Thank you for posting this EL214.

Last year I was alone due to the weather and being stuck downtown at my old incall. It was a beautiful view but very lonely. I did a good job convincing myself that I was content to be alone that day but in truth it was very difficult. The only family I have are my kids and it was so hard being away from them. I feel so blessed to have them all with me this year!! I read this last night but wanted to take the time to respond since I feel very much for what your lady friend is experienceing.

Sorry to get personal for a minute but i feel this is appropriate: I lost my mother to suicide brought on by severe depression years ago. She was so lost in her own despair that she didn't consider the short term or long term consequences of that split second decision to pull the trigger. She didn't comprehend that I, her daughter, was the only one in the house to call 911 or try and stop the bleeding (perhaps one of the reasons I went into nursing, now thinking back). I was just a teenager and it completely changed my life, how I look at life and what I chose to do with the time I'm blessed to be living my life. I won't say my life is better because of what she did but I would not change what happened if given the chance. Everything happens for a reason and i believe sorrow can be the most fruitful of all emotions under the right direction.

People need to realize that depression is a chemical imbalance just like diabetes or any number of other "medical" diseases that require routine medication and treatment. Anti-depressants are the boost to get out of the inescapable rut when depression takes over perspective. Therapy is the equivalent of patient teaching just on a more detailed level.

There was very little awareness about depression twenty years ago. Thank God there is more now but we still have a long way to go in terms of acceptance, either for ourselves or others. The most important thing to remember is that you never know what the future holds. Taking matters into your own hands is one of the biggest mistakes a depressed person can make. Thoughts and feelings need to be acknowledged and discussed honestly with a trained professional. Depression is very serious and can get away from us at any given moment - like uncontrolled diabetes or cadiovascular disease.

I share this in hopes that anyone who has a case of "the blues" this holiday (or any day) might feel comforted to know they are not weak, or a mess, or incapable of functioning in the world, or a waste of space - they are NOT! To the contrary, they are a normal, falliable person just like anyone else who matters very much to those around them (obviously, or you would not have been inspired to even post this). I hope they understand that depression is chemical in nature and needs to be treated just like any other chemical imbalance - medically and therapeutically.

My mother missed out on many many special moments over the past two decades and she is dearly missed on days like today. Everything happens for a reason and I have been blessed with being able to pass along the lessons I learned to others in crisis. I hope your friend finds beauty and purpose in the small things today. And tomorrow I hope she feels confident enough to get the help she deserves to have when dealing with feelings as insurmountable as those brought on by depression. If she doesn't end up reading this for some reason, please give her my number and tell her she is welcome to call me just to talk or to get some ideas on where to go for help.

Thank you again for being so kind and caring of others, EL. It is really a special and rare thing.

Merry Christmas!
Little Caesar's Avatar
Thank you for sharing THN. Your story touched me deeply. If it weren't for Zoloft, I'd be in deep doodoo. Hard to admit, but it's saved me the last few years.

And thanks for the comments Easy! You have a kind heart.
Thathotnurse, I am so sorry that happened to you. I have had some close friends take their lives (in kind of a Romeo and Juliet thing) so I have dealt with a few of the emotions and questions that a person has after something like this happens although mine on a much smaller scale than your situation. I'm glad you have your children to spend the holidays with.
This time of year can be the loneliest time even for someone sitting in a room full of people. I hope that anyone who is feeling down reaches out for someone to talk to before doing anything they can't take back.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Thathotnurse, I am so sorry that happened to you. I have had some close friends take their lives (in kind of a Romeo and Juliet thing) so I have dealt with a few of the emotions and questions that a person has after something like this happens although mine on a much smaller scale than your situation. I'm glad you have your children to spend the holidays with.
This time of year can be the loneliest time even for someone sitting in a room full of people. I hope that anyone who is feeling down reaches out for someone to talk to before doing anything they can't take back.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Originally Posted by Jillian Price
Class reply THN, thank you for sharing. And Jillian, you sound like a very, very nice person.
Iaintliein's Avatar
I hope this thread finds all who read it in good spirits.

It's too bad Kaylee's Thanksgiving plan didn't work out. There was a couple on the old board, maybe one of the owners or a retired provider and her hubby, who posted an open invitation to Thanksgiving dinner for the ladies here who were alone. Reading that post always brought a smile to my face and a little hope for the future of mankind.

It is ironic that those who's profession is to bring pleasure and companionship so often have neither at hand during the holiday season. My hat is off in respect, for it takes an especially kind lady to open her door and just a little of her heart to a lonely stranger.

New Year's resolutions have never been my habit. But it's had not to reflect on our lives as the year ends and the season brings back so many memories. And it's time to think on making new ones.

Life deals blows to us all, how we react determines if they leave scars. . . or facets. During the new year, with each little knock, try to add a little sparkle!

Best Regards,
pmdelites's Avatar
one good thing to do when you're feeling down and alone - volunteer at a shelter, a soup kitchen, a hospital, any place where those without go to get a little something.

most of us have a warm place to sleep, some food to eat, decent clothes to wear, music to listen to or games to play on our smartphones.

there are many here in the dfw metroplex who dont have any of that or have very little.
volunteer to help them and i'm pretty sure that it will give you a new perspective on your life.
and hopefully get you out of your funk.

[you - generic you, no one in specific].

if you are having severe chronic or clinical depression, then i suggest you get to a medical professional as soon as you can to find out what's going on and what might be available to help treat it. doing nothing will not make it better or make it go away.

in any case, take care, but take each day as it comes by.
for there will never be another day like today.
I hope this thread finds all who read it in good spirits.

It's too bad Kaylee's Thanksgiving plan didn't work out. There was a couple on the old board, maybe one of the owners or a retired provider and her hubby, who posted an open invitation to Thanksgiving dinner for the ladies here who were alone. Reading that post always brought a smile to my face and a little hope for the future of mankind.

It is ironic that those who's profession is to bring pleasure and companionship so often have neither at hand during the holiday season. My hat is off in respect, for it takes an especially kind lady to open her door and just a little of her heart to a lonely stranger.
Originally Posted by Iaintliein
Very nice of them to offer that to people. You bring up a great point about the irony - they give so many here happiness yet don't always have it themselves. That's the reason behind starting this thread.

one good thing to do when you're feeling down and alone - volunteer at a shelter, a soup kitchen, a hospital, any place where those without go to get a little something.

most of us have a warm place to sleep, some food to eat, decent clothes to wear, music to listen to or games to play on our smartphones.

there are many here in the dfw metroplex who dont have any of that or have very little.
volunteer to help them and i'm pretty sure that it will give you a new perspective on your life.
and hopefully get you out of your funk. Originally Posted by pmdelites
Great suggestion.
TexTushHog's Avatar
THN, very wise words on depression. If just one in ten people in the world could learn those basic facts, the world would be a far more humane place. Depression is a disease just like cancer. It is cause by bad chemicals in your brain. The worst thing you can say to someone who is truly depressed is either, "Cheer up!" or "What do you have to be depressed about?" (or it's corollary ("But you have so much to be happy about!").
Chung Tran's Avatar
nice post Easylover... I've only been alone once, many years ago, on a Holiday... it was Thanksgiving, my car broke down right before the holiday, and I couldn't travel from my apartment.. I walked to the store, and "cooked" a Swanson turkey TV dinner for myself.

I hope I never have to do that again..