I was looking at those attractive pics of Addison as I read her recent review. I could not help shaking the thought that Addison seemed familiar.
As we got to talking today, it became clear I was right! I have Addison's permission to post the following information.
Addison Blake, (972) 863-1417.
Addison has been a provider since 2009. She retired, and upon her return a year later, took a new handle (as is quite common).
She left for some very personal reasons. She was well reviewed and had a great reputation when she left.
I was a mod here at that time and can tell you I heard nothing but good things.
She is from Tyler and her old reviews are found in North and East Texas under her former provider name: Jordan Allen. Reviews can be found in Shreveport, LA as well.
Here are links to some of those reviews:
http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=37893&highlig ht=jordan
http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=12709&highlig ht=jordan
http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=121669&highli ght=jordan
http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=35417&highlig ht=jordan
There are several "Jordans" out there. For reference's sake her OLD email and websites (found in her old reviews) are:
OLD Email Addressed: jordan0678@yahoo.com : xoxojordan@gmail.com
OLD URL / Website: www.preferred411.com/tyler/jordanallen: http://jordanallen.escort-site.com/
I applaud Addison for offering this clarification up and giving me permission to post.
I also commend you for a very detailed showcase.