A Text from me put on blast?

Lily Stargazer's Avatar

I dont want to get into a bunch of bull crap cuz we all know the boards can be full of it but, a client told me that a text message I sent to an eccie user was put on blast. I have a feeling I know who the person who did this was AND they were not a client. Even if they were a client I would imagine that we had to of had a pretty close relationship maybe a little closer than the regular client provider relationship for me to of gotten very personal with them.

At this point I cant say for certain who did it and have it removed, if it was not hobby related then it needs to come down cuz, thats just not cool. Its kind of like outing. Just the fact that this person would go to that length shows I did have a reason to go there with them in the first place.

If it was who I think it was then tis is a person I was seeing in my personal time, just because they have an ECCIE account does not mean they should make it seem like I did something wrong professionally because things didnt go the way they would of liked personally.

I just wanted to clear this up to anyone who may of seen it, I am not perfect by far but, I value my clients, their time, and generousity (in most cases) I would never just go off on a client w no reason.

If anyone can share the link or let me know what this was about Id appreciate it.

Glad you put out your side of the story but having seen the original blast, I was not swayed in anyway against you and can't even remember what it was about ?
So, just move on and don't communicate with that person anymore .
Sometimes when writing a retort to a retard's original post, the best thing to do is write your entire post and then -

Press delete. It really doesn't do you any good, and if the original claim is bullshit, guys who aren't tards, will see right through it.

Wakeup's Avatar
The thing about guys who talk to chicks while in a session, is that the only thing they end up doing, is getting the provider banned...

Just sayin'...
Lily Stargazer's Avatar
The thing about guys who talk to chicks while in a session, is that the only thing they end up doing, is getting the provider banned...

Just sayin'... Originally Posted by Wakeup
WTF are you talking about exactly?? Dont get me wrong I do love your witty comments, I just dont see how this one applies?
Lily Stargazer's Avatar
Id like to clarify what happened, I date a guy, he then pisses me off and I send a text of choice words and opionions of him, he posts it in an effort to smear my name as a provider.

Considering this is my livelihood and that its out of context I feel the need to figure out what its about and have it removed. Its an inacurate depiction of me a a provider, maybe an acurate depiction as a bitchy girl to date but not provider it does not belong on the boards.

My goal is to explain and get this removed, if it is posted by who I think it is.
junglemonkey's Avatar
I don't know the whole TRUE story nor do I give a shit.

I just want to know Why some of you fucktards just can't fuck a whore, then pay the whore, and let that be the end of it.
Pistolero's Avatar
Lily, we do not have time to search the board. Please give us some location info and the mods will take a look.
Lily Stargazer's Avatar
I haven't seen it myself, Ive had two people mention it and not give the location, Ive searched too and haven't found it. I searched with my name, and suspected offenders name and got nothing. If I knew where it was I would of just taken it straight to a MOD
boardman's Avatar

The thing about guys who talk to chicks while in a session, is that the only thing they end up doing, is getting the provider banned...

Just sayin'... Originally Posted by Wakeup
WTF are you talking about exactly?? I just dont see how this one applies? Originally Posted by Lily Stargazer
It might. See below.

I haven't seen it myself, Ive had two people mention it and not give the location, I've searched too and haven't found it. I searched with my name, and suspected offenders name and got nothing. If I knew where it was I would of just taken it straight to a MOD Originally Posted by Lily Stargazer
If they were guys and didn't give you the location, and you can't find it by searching, then it's probably in the ML. That's where you hit a slippery slope, admitting that you read, that you know about it, with details will earn you a ban-cation. It's happened plenty of times in the past.

If you're still getting clients, don't let it bother you. There's some colossal cunts that make it here. I'd hate to see you get banned, so my advice would be to just... walk... away.

BTW, IDK but isn't there a board rule against posting private communication?
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Id like to clarify what happened, I date a guy, he then pisses me off and I send a text of choice words and opionions of him, he posts it in an effort to smear my name as a provider.... Originally Posted by Lily Stargazer
This was your 1st mistake.
Don't date 'tards.
Fuck em. Take their money. Then forget em, & not necessarily in that order either
SpiceItUp's Avatar
I can't locate any such text or thread, maybe my search-fu is weak this morning.

Linck anyone?
Lily....do you have a stinky pussy?

There was one about that recently....with unnamed ladies.
tbone77494's Avatar
That's why GS is a valued poster.

Now, I have had a hard time keeping up. So, you saw a dude who may or may not be on Eccie, you texted said dude some shit because you were feeling bitchy, now you think he may or may not have posted the bitch text, but no one can find it. But now, with this post, you let me know seeing you is risky?

And then you admitted you like Wakeups posts.

Friendly advice my dear, let this one go, go the extra mile in sessions, and for goodness sake don't text a client anything other than time and room number.