Be safe this weekend

I browse backpage frequently, don't see too many of them anymore though. Something just doesn't feel right about how many listings there are on there today.

Guys be safe this weekend and ladies screen screen screen. This is not an alert by any means, I haven't seen anything or know anything, just a gut feeling Uncle Leo may be creeping heavy this weekend.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
On the flip side of what you're seeing, for the first time in YEARS, I've considered taking a short trip to Shreveport.

LITERALLY THIS MORNING, I was going to post a backpage ad in the Shreveport area to gauge interest. I didn't. But I almost did. I haven't traveled in a long time and Shreveport is a relatively short drive for someone coming from the Dallas area.

I wonder if there are plenty of other females considering Shreveport as a destination? Just now, while looking at the coed section, I saw a couple of ladies who cancelled a trip to Shreveport this week.

Could it be that there are MANY females who are considering your town?

Of course, I've also heard that Shreveport is HOT, HOT, HOT. So you could be correct in your assessment.

Just playing Devil's Advocate. (Is Devil's Advocate capitalized? Not sure!)

Kind regards,
I don't know ma'am, I considered that and the fact that credit card bills for Christmas shopping will be coming due soon.

Maybe I'm just being overly cautious after reading about a sting in Longview. I always go with my initial instinct though and I think I'll put my weekend hobbying off till next weekend lol.