Martha's Vineyard

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I posted this on another thread but this is so good it deserves it's own thread

NEW: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis sent two planes full of migrants who crossed the border illegally to Martha’s Vineyard today.

EXCLUSIVE: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis followed through on his promise to drop off illegal immigrants in progressive states, sending two planes full of migrants to Martha’s Vineyard on Wednesday.

A video provided to Fox News Digital shows the migrants deboarding the planes at Martha’s Vineyard Airport in Massachusetts.

"Yes, Florida can confirm the two planes with illegal immigrants that arrived in Martha’s Vineyard today were part of the state’s relocation program to transport illegal immigrants to sanctuary destinations," the governor’s communications director, Taryn Fenske, told Fox News Digital.

berryberry's Avatar
I am sure there is space at the Obamas’ mansion for a few dozen illegal aliens.

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Step 1: Declare yourself a sanctuary city.

Step 2: Cope and seethe when illegal immigrants show up to the sanctuary.

Step 3: Whine about a humanitarian crisis for a whopping whole 50 illegals

Visit Martha's Vineyard - @VisitMV
To our Island community, here is an update on current humanitarian crisis on Martha's Vineyard....we thank people for their continued help.

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A live look at the people of Martha’s Vineyard today

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Watch Ron DeSantis - All those people in DC, in New York were beating their chests when Trump was president, saying they were so proud to be sanctuary jurisdictions...they all of a sudden go berserk and they're so upset that this is happening...Their virtue signaling is a fraud."


Also - DeSantis: "We're not a sanctuary state... What would be the best is for Biden to do his damn job and secure the border!"
berryberry's Avatar
Senile Biden sent 70 flights of illegal entrants to Florida. Democrats were silent.

DeSantis sent 2 to Martha's Vineyard. Democrats lost their minds.
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Martha's Vineyard Resident Calls Police To Report A Hispanic In The Neighborhood Not Operating A Leaf Blower

MARTHA'S VINEYARD, MA — Residents of upscale Martha's Vineyard are in a panic after several buses dropped off illegal immigrants from Florida this week. One terrified resident reportedly called the authorities after seeing Hispanic males outside her home, not even operating a leaf blower or any other kind of gardening equipment.

"Hello, is this 911? Yes, there are brown-looking Latinx people outside my 20,000-square-foot seaside home, and they aren't even carrying leaf blowers," said a terrified Mavis McWhite to the dispatcher. "They aren't even holding so much as a rake. They're up to no good. I'm scared! Please send help!"

Early reports from one of the wealthiest zip codes on earth indicate that approximately 50 people from countries south of the equator are striking fear in the hearts of local oligarchs, movie stars, and millionaire politicians who reside there. "It was so inconsiderate for DeSantis to ship these dark-skinned people up to our neighborhood without the tools they need to maintain our multimillion-dollar properties," said Town Councilmember Pam Karen-Cindy. "What else are they going to do all day? Just despicable."

At publishing time, the Hispanic immigrants who currently work as landscapers and house servants in Martha's Vineyard for minimum wage had organized a demonstration to protest the arrival of new Hispanic immigrants who will work for even cheaper.
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berryberry's Avatar
Watch the story about it on KDKA. It was your typical "Its not our fault, its their fault" story.
berryberry's Avatar
Kinda weird how Martha’s Vineyard had no problem housing the scores of white journos from D.C., but it was the 50 illegals who risked capsizing the entire island.

Illegals, flown into Martha’s Vineyard by Fl’s governor, are boarding buses and being kicked out of Martha's Vineyard. They’ll be heading to Joint Base Cape Cod, according to officials. 125 Mass National Guard members are being activated to assist.

So Martha's Vineyard just deported all of their illegal immigrant population. Incredible. So much for their sanctuary city status.

And they used the military to do so but they oppose putting National Guard on our Border. Tells you everything you need to know.

Time to send more planeloads full Gov DeSantis !!!!
berryberry's Avatar
No national guard on the border, no national guard to stop the rioters burning your city, plenty of national guard to bus illegals out of rich vacation spots

Open borders are meant to destroy your neighborhood, lower your wages, and silence your voice. The racist elitists (including Obama) in Martha's Vineyard lasted 24 hours before using the military to remove them, the thing they accuse others of as being in human and barbaric
berryberry's Avatar
You can't make this stuff up. "URGENT PLEA"! The ultra-wealthy on Martha's Vineyard has launched a GoFundMe fundraiser, already raising over $36,000.

Please help these struggling millionaires with multiple summer homes during this "humanitarian crisis"

The organizer is an Ivy League alum from an affluent family and New York comms exec who donated 6x to Kamala Harris. Her wedding on Martha's Vineyard was featured by NYT and her family's $1.6 million+ home there sits near a private association beach.
berryberry's Avatar
Martha’s Vineyard is going to need to reset that “Days Since We Deported Illegals” calendar it keeps at the ferry right next to the sanctuary city sign.