Satan in Oklahoma? Ohhh NOES!

  • Blaze
  • 01-07-2014, 07:02 PM

No, I am not a Satanist and no animals were hurt in the creation of this post.

This one was just too juicy to pass up. Satanist propose 7 foot statue of Satan at the Oklahoma capitol. Damn and I learned there was a flying spaghetti monster too! Whoduhthunkit... What do y'all think?

Channel 8 (Tulsa) ran the story at 6pm, but the video isn't up yet. I don't remember who he said he was, but gave a very flimsy excuse why the Satan statue didn't meet standards, whereas the Ten Commandments statue did. This is going to be interesting to watch it play out. I think if they one religious statue go up then all religious statues go up. Equality for all right?

I love Carlin!

For all the born again sinners, take it to the church lady...

This wouldn't happen if BigTex was still alive. Sorry, I meant Oral Roberts.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 01-07-2014, 08:15 PM
Why does some hockey player need a statue?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I think a line has been crossed by a pack of fools.
JCM800's Avatar
great idea .....I mean who would want to deprive kids from a great day hanging out with Satan.

According to the group, the statue would have “a functional purpose as a
chair where people of all ages may sit on the lap of Satan for inspiration and contemplation.”

I B Hankering's Avatar
Anyone care to cite where satanic texts ever served as a basis for Western jurisprudence.
Anyone give a shit?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You forgot this one, JDIdiot!

  • Blaze
  • 01-08-2014, 08:32 AM
Here is where the double standard is,,,

The state capitol inspires awe, but there's concern a new monument would make the area awful. "Devil, yeah, looks like a devil," said Chauncey Huddleston.
A seven foot tall statue of Satan, proposed by Satanists as a rebuttal to the placing of the Ten Commandments in 2012. The public's general response...
"Absolutely, uh, not," said KJ Lehman.

A sentiment shared by Oklahoma State Senator Rick Brinkley.
"It's never gonna happen. There will never be a monument to Satan on our capitol grounds. It's not part of our culture, it's not part of our history," he said.
It's those two things, culture and history, argue lawmakers, that differentiate and allow the Ten Commandments.
"There is no way that a satanic monument designed with a seat in it for children to come and stare at the eyes of a goat headed deity has any relative relationship to the history or culture of this state," said Brinkley.

A statue crumbling before its creation, with poor choice in a mascot, and Christians celebrating victory just from the debate.
"If it does anything for the Christian people out there it makes us realize that there are people that if they do worship Satan, that they acknowledge our God exists," said Brinkley.
Fact, the Senator is lying because if you are a Christian you in fact believe in Satan. Sooo, that means that Satan really is part of the history AND culture! You simply can't have one with out the other Mr Lying Politician.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-08-2014, 09:40 AM
Nice post, Blaze.

So where are the statues for the Osage, Comanche, and Apache, since the native American heritage is a lot older in Oklahoma than the ten commandments?

What about a statue of Zeus and the Greek pantheon, since we can trace a lot of our legal/political heritage back there?

No, this is complete hypocrisy at work.

Personally, put them ALL up and lets start educating people what religious FREEDOM means, and it is not the same as religious freedom IF you are the correct Christian sect. Oh, excuse me, it DOES mean that if you are in the bible belt.

FU_CC's Avatar
  • FU_CC
  • 01-08-2014, 10:13 AM
So, who's moving to OK?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Nice post, Blaze.

So where are the statues for the Osage, Comanche, and Apache, since the native American heritage is a lot older in Oklahoma than the ten commandments?

What about a statue of Zeus and the Greek pantheon, since we can trace a lot of our legal/political heritage back there?

No, this is complete hypocrisy at work.

Personally, put them ALL up and lets start educating people what religious FREEDOM means, and it is not the same as religious freedom IF you are the correct Christian sect. Oh, excuse me, it DOES mean that if you are in the bible belt.

Originally Posted by Old-T
That's the point. If the state is going to allow one religious monument, it must allow them all. I don't think the Satanists are really wanting a statue, they are just tired of the Christian and Jewish symbols on state property. If those other groups want to fund a statue, they can.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-08-2014, 11:29 PM
That's the point. If the state is going to allow one religious monument, it must allow them all. I don't think the Satanists are really wanting a statue, they are just tired of the Christian and Jewish symbols on state property. If those other groups want to fund a statue, they can. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Agree. Designate a public open area and let any religious group raise the funds to put up a reasonable sized statue, etc. Encourage them to do so. Encourage them to use it to explain to everyone what they are and what they stand for. Educate. But not paid for by gov't $$$.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Nice post, Blaze.

So where are the statues for the Osage, Comanche, and Apache, since the native American heritage is a lot older in Oklahoma than the ten commandments? Originally Posted by Old-T
right here on top of the capital