I would like to apologize to FBSMLUVR

Hey sweetie, I know I disappointed you yesterday and it's no excuse for me bringing my personal business into our meeting. I thought I would be able to not think about what had happened to me and still please you, but I see I failed with your no review. I deserve it and will not rebuttal. I never knew you where unhappy further going to my mind state at the time. And I apologize. I wish you would have said something during our time together. But when you finished twice and I thought you where a happy camper but I see I was mistaking. And all I can say is sorry. And assure anyone else who visits me that this was a one time deal. I should have canceled the appointment but I was really looking forward to seeing you. We actually connected thru booking. But I have realized if my head isn't in it then no matter what services I provide will be less then impressive. Sorry again and no hard feelings, love. Take care
BBQ-Guy's Avatar
Well I don't know the situation but I really do like how articulate and well-spoken you are Kelly!

Some girls only have "ghetto blast mode" as a form of expressing their sentiments.
Nice to see how considerate and polite a provider can be lol.

Hope whatever issue you had is better now

Looking forward to our session,
Thank you BBQGUY, I can't blame him, when I was wrong. Right is right and wrong is wrong and I accept my part
TXtimetraveler's Avatar
Don't know the situation but I do have to say good for you owning up and publicly doing so. People don't do that in this day in age. I'm impressed and will definitely see you because of how open and honest you were.
CryptKicker's Avatar
TXtimetraveler's Avatar
I read the review and retract my booking comment. I still give you credit for the apology.
busternutzs's Avatar
An apology is a nice touch but doesn't go far to healing the wound. I wonder if a do over or make up session is appropriate or at least another session at a discounted rate?
I offered that, busternutz. But, he declined. And I'm OK with that. And if he would have said something right then, I would have given him a discount on the spot. Like I said he seemed happy when he left.
And Txtimetravler, I respect that.
LongTimeMonger's Avatar
With 4 pages of yes reviews, I think the benefit of the doubt goes to you Kelly, you tried to make it right and it was declined. No disrespect to FBSMLUVR, he was unhappy and said so, as is his right. You realize you should have canceled and I'm sure you won't repeat that mistake. Your apology appears sincere and well written, chalk it up to experience and move on.
john_deere's Avatar
in my time on this board, this is a first.

i've never seen it play out where the reviewer made such a clear - and fair - case for a "no", and the girl in question responded with such integrity. kelly, good on you. we all have bad days, but few people own their shit like you did here. i hope things smooth out for you and you have continued success.

everybody can learn from the review and this response.

i'm impressed, and these fuckers will tell you doesn't happen often.
cyrax's Avatar
  • cyrax
  • 04-05-2015, 12:13 AM
in my time on this board, this is a first.

i've never seen it play out where the reviewer made such a clear - and fair - case for a "no", and the girl in question responded with such integrity. kelly, good on you. we all have bad days, but few people own their shit like you did here. i hope things smooth out for you and you have continued success.

everybody can learn from the review and this response.

i'm impressed, and these fuckers will tell you doesn't happen often. Originally Posted by john_deere
I agree, it takes a lot of character to make a public apology.
I hope so too john_deere. Lol
Kelly, I would like to commend you for writing an apology in a public forum. As john_deere states, it's a first and no, he isn't impressed easily, lol. Kuddos to you darlin' and I wish you all the best and much continued success.
john_deere's Avatar
let's be clear....75% impressed.

100% would have required a "i'm sorry and if you'll see me again i'll make it right both financially and sexually" type response.