Which is worse? Emotional or Physical

Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Which do you consider a worse betrayal by your SO? Finding they've been cheating on you purely on an emotional level with another(such as all the sappy shit like "I love you")? Or you catch them in the sack and you pretty much know its nothing more than a one time fling?
They both pretty much go together to me
oilfieldscum's Avatar
They both pretty much go together to me Originally Posted by tbone2u
+1. Those two go together with an SO.
for me it would be on an emotional leve

we are animals for ****** sake and have animal characteristics
ZedX79's Avatar
Well they both go hand in hand, but the other day some chick cut off her man's phallus and put it down the garbage disposal. That's more short term physical pain. Long term emotional.
I think catching your SO in the act probably leaves more scars. But that's just me.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
For me it would depend who she cheated with..... If it is with a friend it tends to cut deeper.
whitechocolate's Avatar
They sound about the same. I think it depends on whether your SO has been ignoring you or not.
aznlvr11's Avatar
pretty much equal for me.
The emotional stuff... Sex can be completely unemotional for men....
Hands down emotional. The emotional lingers in your head long afterwards.
emotional...because emotional means a whole new relationship to me....physical....well men need to have fun here and there..i would let that one slide more then the other one...
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Men reduce it to "just physical" so they can get away with saying it didn't mean anything....
Sisyphus's Avatar
Sorry...my ADHD is acting up again...

A question is posted on an SHMB about what kind of SO betrayal is worse????

armydude's Avatar
Sometimes physical leads to emotional! My ex gf cheated on me a bunch of times. If it was just once while I was in the service, I'd understand. But she cheated on me tons of times when I was right here, for her to have. That hurt.