House Jan. 6 committee recommends criminal charges against Trump

This is a Committee of political hacks, the same group that came up with the RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA HOAX, not to mention many others. They are Corrupt cowards who hate our Country.
Cendell M's Avatar
matchingmole's Avatar
Trump/Pence 2024 LOL
I want to see the PEE tapes!
Trump/Pence 2024 LOL Originally Posted by matchingmole
Hahaha, Pence is a RINO.
This whole thing could have been avoided if Nancy Pelosi gave the Capital Police the help they needed. The American people deserve to hear her testify under oath what happened.
This whole thing could have been avoided if Nancy Pelosi gave the Capital Police the help they needed. The American people deserve to hear her testify under oath what happened. Originally Posted by LayingPipe
What about the FBI agents that orchestrated this event? They need to testify. Ray Epps as well.
What about the FBI agents that orchestrated this event? They need to testify. Ray Epps as well. Originally Posted by SurgerySleeper
They didn' that testifying will never happen
They didn' that testifying will never happen Originally Posted by earthlink
They did, it is all on video, youtube it. They opened the doors and the gates to let them in. Have you thought about the side dishes you want to go with the Nothing Burger the J6 House Committee is going to serve you? Does "Russia Russia Russia" or "PEE Tapes" ring a bell? Hoax.
They did, it is all on video, youtube it. They opened the doors and the gates to let them in. Have you thought about the side dishes you want to go with the Nothing Burger the J6 House Committee is going to serve you? Does "Russia Russia Russia" or "PEE Tapes" ring a bell? Hoax. Originally Posted by SurgerySleeper
The FBI at one point included an image of Epps on a “wanted” list seeking information about those involved in Capitol violence, then deleted the reference in July. But there are plenty of reasons the FBI might remove individuals from the site, including if it no longer needed help locating them or had already interviewed them.

The theory that Epps was an undercover FBI agent grew from a video that circulated on far-right message boards days after the insurrection. It showed Epps on the evening of Jan. 5, urging Trump supporters around him to “peacefully” enter the Capitol the next day.

That video and others of Epps talking to rioters outside the Capitol building ricocheted across social media for months until Rep. Thomas Massie, a Republican from Kentucky, shared the footage in a congressional hearing in October.

Massie asked Attorney General Merrick Garland why the man in the videos hadn’t been charged, and whether federal agents were involved in the riots. Garland said he couldn’t comment on an ongoing federal investigation, per FBI policy, causing claims about Epps to snowball.

The theory was amplified by Revolver News, a fringe news site founded by a former Trump administration speechwriter who lost his job after speaking at a 2016 conference attended by white nationalists. The site claimed that the FBI posting, then removing, an image of Epps from a “Capitol Violence Most Wanted List” showed he was a “Fed-Protected Provocateur” who “Appears To Have Led” the Jan. 6 attack.

That's not proof the man was a federal agent — and there’s no reason right now to believe that any undercover agent galvanized a mob of Trump supporters, many of whom were vocal about their intentions, to attempt to delay the congressional certification of Joe Biden's presidential win.

In fact, an AP review of social media posts, voter registrations, court files and other public records for more than 120 people either facing criminal charges or identified in footage from Jan. 6 showed that the mob was overwhelmingly made up of longtime Trump supporters, including GOP officials and donors, far-right militants, white supremacists, off-duty police, members of the military and conspiracy theory adherents.

Revolver News didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

Conservative blogs and lawmakers have insisted that Epps not being charged with a crime reveals he must be associated with the FBI. But Epps was among thousands of revelers trespassing on the Capitol grounds, many of whom have not been charged.

Republicans who have promoted the theory, including Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, say they’ve asked the FBI and Justice Department for more information about Epps and his involvement in Jan. 6 to no avail. That’s not surprising. Federal law enforcement officials rarely share details about ongoing investigations. Gaetz gave no indication what led him to believe that Epps was working for the FBI but said he finds the agency’s silence to be concerning.

Asked during testimony before Congress whether there was any reason to believe the insurrection was organized by “fake Trump protesters,” FBI Director Christopher Wray, who was appointed by Trump, said the agency had “not seen evidence of that.”

The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection tweeted on Tuesday that it was aware of claims Epps was an FBI informant, and had interviewed Epps directly.

“Epps informed us that he was not employed by, working with, or acting at the direction of any law enforcement agency on Jan 5th or 6th or at any other time, & that he has never been an informant for the FBI or any other law enforcement agency,” the committee wrote.

Epps told an Associated Press reporter that he’d been advised not to comment and referred questions to his lawyer, who said Tuesday evening that he was not available for comment.


Associated Press writers Eric Tucker, Josh Kelety and David Klepper contributed to this report.


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ICU 812's Avatar
I would say: "Be careful what you ask for."

Might be interesting to see what comes out in a trial There was that video of that guy encouraging folks to ". . .go intyo the capitol . . " on Jan 5th and again on Jan 6th for instance. And then there is the controversy over the speaker of the house and the sergant at arms regarding asking for a or assigning additional Capitol Police and getting the National Guard involved.

But this thread is not the place to re-hash all that has been said already . . .the court room is now the proper venue for that.

A trial might not go the way the Democrats want it too. Sometimes, swearing an oath in court changes a how a witness views what they wish were true. And then, in a trial the jury doesn't mail-in their verdict. It would be embarrassing to find that there were 24 votes to convince.
No problem. The FBI will fix the trial like they fixed the election and protected the Bidens while framing trumpy. Trumpy has no fixer
HedonistForever's Avatar
OK, opinion time. No charges will be brought because there is just to much to lose for the Democrats if they can't make their case or even worse, face evidence brought in with the new Twitter files release, that there has been an ongoing "conspiracy" at the FBI since before Trump was elected and continuing today against any Conservative speech. A clever defense team might turn the whole trial into an indictment of the government and if you don't think Garland isn't "weighing" that possibility, you're legally naive.

Merrick Garland, come Jan 3rd., is going to have to much on his plate defending the Biden administration from Republican House Committees against these corruption and malfeasance in office charges, that he will think better of bringing unprecedented charges against a former President. I've heard nothing that wouldn't result in "reasonable doubt" in a government "criminal" case against Trump.

Malfeasance in office is committed when any public officer or public employee shall: (1)
Intentionally refuse or fail to perform any duty lawfully required of him, as such officer or employee

Duty lawfully required of him. Now you can argue that Trump did this till the cows come home but I'm talking about Biden here and his duty to uphold the laws governing the border which he has not and willfully through his Dept. of Homeland Security, continuously lie to the American people that the border is closed and secure, a statement that will go down in history as one of the dumbest things any administration has ever said. Might even beat out some of those by Trump.

And ICU, great point about people changing their tune under oath. Remember Adam Schiff and his "I have proof of Trumps "collusion" that I got from people who know these things ( paraphrasing there ). And then when each of these people who Schiff says told him these things, said under oath "I never said any such thing to anybody", about their participation in this fraud or the fraud was all Adam Schiff's.
VitaMan's Avatar
According to the report, "the lawyer had advised the witness that the witness could, in certain circumstances, tell the Committee that she did not recall facts when she actually did recall them."

"When the witness raised concerns with her lawyer about that approach," according to the summary, the lawyer said, "They don't know what you know, [witness]. They don't know that you can recall some of these things. So you saying 'I don't recall' is an entirely acceptable response to this."

"The lawyer instructed the client about a particular issue that would cast a bad light on President Trump: 'No, no, no, no, no. We don't want to go there. We don't want to talk about that,'" the report said.

At the committee's final public hearing, Lofgren said: "The witness believed this was an effort to affect her testimony, and we are concerned that these efforts may have been a strategy to prevent the Committee from finding the truth."
VitaMan's Avatar
Stefan Passantino, the top ethics attorney in the Trump White House, is the lawyer who allegedly advised his then-client, former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson, to tell the committee that she did not recall details that she did.

Trump's Save America political action committee funded Passantino and his law firm Elections LLC, including paying for his representation of Hutchinson.