Hey ECCIE: How about a Provider OK forum for the ladies?

Not sure this subject has been brought up before but...If P411 can do it, why not have it here? It would save time for the girls checking references and guys wouldn't have to spend time searching and PMing their past Provider's contact info for verification.

Great idea.
  • grean
  • 06-09-2016, 09:44 AM
That would require a lot more verification on providers than now I believe.
That would require a lot more verification on providers than now I believe. Originally Posted by grean
Not quite sure how more verification it would require and why it would be needed if the Provider is ECCIE-verified...?

I'm just wondering how many times the girls here get PMed/asked about the same guy over and over by different Providers, say within 6-8 weeks:
"Was JoeBlow OK?"
"Do you recommend JoeBlow?"
"Any issues with JoeBlow?"

She's answering the same question over and over, vs. having her OK about him in a forum...why?
I'm prolly not seeing the full scope of this utility, but don't they have private area to get most of this info, and free from public scrutiny?

I definitely can see the hobbiest benefit. More of the ladies should prolly answer...and, of course, you have to be sure eccie would want to extra work coding and creating this new page, process, interface.

I'll drop in to see where this thread goes. Thx OP
Invisible1's Avatar
Keep it simple.
How about having verified guy members? Must be verified by 3 verified providers that the guy has seen and written a review on. After verification, a mark can be put in the guy's profile or stat page. Then have it expire after 12 months or so from the last verification from a provider. After the initial 3 verifications a guy can stay verified with one review and the provider to verify they saw him once every 12 months.

Also, there should be no requirement that a verified provider verify a guy.

Easy to program, easy to use.
....free from public scrutiny?

LnH Originally Posted by LoveNHorny
Bingo. And info gets dated fast. Who keeps up with changes? Is every gal going to read in depth every post in a thread about a guy? What about duplicate threads on a specific guy? What about negative feedback on a guy? You think provides get upset about a no review or a negative comment? What till some guys get nos.

P411 does actual screening of its members. Also a guy can get an OK, or nothing. No negative feedback can be left. Providers still need to do their do diligence to get a true picture of a client.
For the providers who actually check references, I doubt they would use any other system in lieu of checking references. These are the ones who are actually careful about who they see. I doubt they would be so readily accepting of such a system.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 06-09-2016, 11:32 AM
Pros, cons, good idea, bad idea....will never happen.
It would be awesome. I am waiting on 4 ladies to get back to me right now for reference requests.....I am super close to calling some of these hookers out. It's ridiculous lately.
It would be awesome. I am waiting on 4 ladies to get back to me right now for reference requests.....I am super close to calling some of these hookers out. It's ridiculous lately. Originally Posted by Kendall4U
You have to give them time to make a counter offer before they get back with you.
Bingo. And info gets dated fast. Who keeps up with changes?

The changes would be the continuing OKs from the Providers.

Is every gal going to read in depth every post in a thread about a guy?

No thread necessary. A simple Yes or No checkbox, or a few more like:
Was he on time?
Did he pay the full amount?
Was he clean?

What about duplicate threads on a specific guy?

Again, no threads. The girls could go to the site, type in the client's handle and his OKs would come up.

What about negative feedback on a guy?

I'm thinking there's a bit of that going on now. In the public forums and private ones.

You think provides get upset about a no review or a negative comment? What till some guys get nos.

Yep...I agree. Plenty of temperamental babies here. Unless the guy is a total dickhead, why would she post it? I also think the girls would reach out to the Provider that didn't recommend him for more details. No need to reach out if he checks out ok.

P411 does actual screening of its members. Also a guy can get an OK, or nothing. No negative feedback can be left.

I don't recall P411's "screening" of me to be that stringent. This wouldn't be a requirement for the Providers. Only if they're tired of referring the same guy 2,765,567 times.

Providers still need to do their do diligence to get a true picture of a client.

Some of them do, and it still turns out badly sometimes. Also doesn't mean that if a girl sees the same guy 6-7 times he isn't going to bolt on the 8th time without paying.
Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
Invisible has it on track....keep it simple. Many times, the girls ask another Provider for a reference and get it too late, or not at all. This OK forum would let her check immediately. The girls don't have to give refs if they don't want to...it's an unpaid courtesy to do it.

Just keep it simple. Kendall4U's post above is what I'm talking about.
You have to give them time to make a counter offer before they get back with you. Originally Posted by DarkeyKong

I know that happens, so whatever makes her feel better, but at least respond. Lately I have been telling guys that they should PM the lady to let them know I'll be contacting them. When they never get back to me I let the gent know and he can decide what to do.

How do you guys feel about the counter offers from a "lady" you used as a reference or them not responding at all?
How do you guys feel about the counter offers from a "lady" you used as a reference or them not responding at all? Originally Posted by Kendall4U
Personally, I think it's bullshit and disrespectful. Not to sound condescending or anything, but if I wanted to see "you" I would have contacted "you". Please respect my decision to see someone else. Also, I think it looks desperate and unattractive and I would probably never see "you" again. When I say "you" I'm not referring to you Kendall, I think you're one of the coolest peeps on here.
For the providers who actually check references, I doubt they would use any other system in lieu of checking references. These are the ones who are actually careful about who they see. I doubt they would be so readily accepting of such a system. Originally Posted by DarkeyKong
What other "system" are they using now? Besides P411 where they can see several OKs at once? That's what I'm suggesting be done here: have a place for a girl to check refs without waiting for another girl to get back to her.