Sapp got busted then fired

bmarty's Avatar
Feel for the guy, I wonder how many other people's work would fire them if they got busted? The comments section is a fun read. I am sure a lot here would love to comment on it.
Guest010619's Avatar
But it seems to be ok if you deck the girlfriend in an elevator and drag her around the floor.
Yep. Now he's got 99 problems and a job ain't one of them.
midnite312004's Avatar
If he hit a woman by all means prosecute him. I just dont agree with the prostitution charge of course. As long as it is two consenting adults and not someone being trafficked I don't see the problem. Seems like police should be worried about much big things then prostitution. Just my $.02 . Carry on!
RandB fan's Avatar
If he hit a woman by all means prosecute him. I just dont agree with the prostitution charge of course. As long as it is two consenting adults and not someone being trafficked I don't see the problem. Seems like police should be worried about much big things then prostitution. Just my $.02 . Carry on! Originally Posted by midnite312004
What I heard is there was an argument, since no clothes were missing, I would assume an upcharge or a haggle caused the problem. I don't know but Sapp has a history of asssult so he has a temper. I am sure the hoogars wanted something for just showing up. He will dread his decision of not tossing them a pile of benjis and move on. He just had him self a a very high dollar blue ball session that we will probably not learn more about unless the girls go public and since they are charged I doubt they are saying much as I am sure they are lawyered up.

What we need is a "bad boy network" to hire all these guys. Hell Brady could get banned from the league for "deflatgate" and need a job.
What we need is a "bad boy network" to hire all these guys. Originally Posted by RandB fan
Send him our way! He'll be among friends! Yours in Christ, Jimmy Swaggart
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
The reason all these big, bad professional athletes get in trouble is that the temper that makes them successful in a violent league is hard to corral out in the "real" world.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
He's not a psychologist or a sociologist, he just plays one on the internet. Or he stayed at a Holiday Inn Express?
Cpalmson's Avatar
Sapp is an idiot. He has more money than most of us here. He is a HoF member. The last thing he needs is to be paying for sex. Celebrity's have managers. Managers know what their clients want/like. A good manager would have had women waiting in Sapp's room without Sapp having to even question who they were, how much it cost, and how they got there. All he needs to tell his manager is that he wants a woman or women in his room when he gets back. I guess that U education ain't worth shit
FoulRon's Avatar
Back up the truck a moment.
Did I read that last paragraph correctly?
Phoenix has an Escort Permit Ordinace?
Cpalmson's Avatar
Back up the truck a moment.
Did I read that last paragraph correctly?
Phoenix has an Escort Permit Ordinace? Originally Posted by FoulRon
You'd be surprised, most cities have some type of ordinance like this. It is for legitimate escorts. It is one of those wink, wink, nudge, nudge government regulations. Sorta like paying off the mob for protection. You give the government some money for a license and they kinda sort of look the other way to your activities that go beyond "escorting".