Why oh Why? Do you think the music helps?

Ok dawgs check out this ad on BP:


This ad is just a snapshot of what I see has been a growing sales trend on BP. I cant tell you how many times I am skimming through the girls and I hear the cheesiest most god awful music/lyrics known to man! I then scroll down and of course I see this ad. I thought "ok why the music?" - should it sway my decision to see or not to see this woman? Or should it create a distraction for a moment because she is not particularly my type. Put it bluntly - please take this music crap off the air - it DOES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO MAKE A GUY WANT TO SEE THE GIRL. Does anyone else have thoughts on the subject?

  • MrGiz
  • 01-31-2010, 09:00 PM
Well.... I hear ya.... but different strokes for different blokes! She's not my preferred cup of tea, either.... but I would say she has an attractive face and nice skin tone! I have seen much-much worse!!
I'm sure she pushes all the right buttons for more than a few horny dawgs

The music.... yeah, I could do without it.... but I wish her well....

RickForFun's Avatar
No music. Fire up the computer and try to take a quick look. The music starts and eveyone looks. Busted. No Fucking Music in the ads for me.
I guess now we'll have to mute our computers when cruising BP so the SO doesn't here it. I've been almost burned a few times looking at escort websites with wierd music on it. She knows what type of music I listen to. I can understand the non pro's not knowing better, but the pro's should know not to do it.
slicktommy's Avatar
Thought it was only me.
I HATE music on BP ads.
And Now make sure my pc is mute before I go.

Can't imagin it helps the mobil gang much either taken up bandwidth for nothing.
pornodave69's Avatar
Unless you are a musician, there is no need for music on your web site.
Guest031210-2's Avatar
I think she is sexy! The music matches her eyes...very seductive, and you can stop the player if you want on the page. Nit picking LFG, you must be bored.
pornodave69's Avatar
I think she is sexy! The music matches her eyes...very seductive, and you can stop the player if you want on the page. Nit picking LFG, you must be bored. Originally Posted by chellablaine
Are you sure you're looking at the same ad? Nothing sexy about her IMO. As per the music, the player is at the bottom and the music plays before you get there. Not good when one is trying to view ads in a public surrounding. And it's usually crappy music that we don't want to hear anyway.
SkipperRon's Avatar
Does anyone else have thoughts on the subject?
Originally Posted by Lakefrontguy

I am not a fan of music in ads at all, but this is a trend that goes hand in hand with the younger generation especially common when using social network sites (like facebook, myspace etc.)

It is now easy to add playlists to every web page. I wish there was a setting in the browser that can change all playlist defauls to "Do not play automatically".

Or maybe we are just old farts that don't keep up with young and trendy.

On another note - however - I wish more ads would have some clear pictures of the ladies. She might not be your cup of tea, but when you see the pictures you know what to expect if you decide to respond.
I just take out my hearing aid...
I always thought that adding music to your ads would cause a problem if you happen to be skimming through them while at work or at home. I would imagine that it would only make a guy mad and immediately click the back button if he pulled up your ad and cheesy music started playing.
laoilman's Avatar
Why Lily I think you have it figured out.
And Dave you know she's HOT, lol.