Persistent? Freak Boy? Stalker? or just biz as usual

I do try now and then to see new Providers when time and funds allow, to see if we have chemistry and or we click for future visits.

I am not like I was back in 2001-2005 when I would see 3-4 new girls a month to test the waters and I had the budget to do so and did not care if I spent $$ to no avail.

So now I put the feelers out via email, PM or text.
When and where is that line drawn on being either Persistent, Stalker, Freak Boy, Annoying or just biz as usual???

I always follow the Providers instructions for screening, but when I do not get a reply or get a reply only to never hear from them again. What is protocol ladies?

1. do keep emailing and pm'ing over and over til they reply or block me?
2. do I try once and if they do not reply then move on to the next? do I assume at that point they did not want to see me in the first place??

If I do number 1 then wont be i be labeled a freak boy? stalker type?

if I do number 2 then am I giving up to soon?

I am just curious as to others tactics..

I usually do number 2, I try once and if they do not reply I move on to the next...I feel like I do not need to beg a Provider to see me, that never works out
I would say just send the first email or whatever method with all the info needed, then wait a few days and just send a "checking in email". If still nothing then, I guess her loss or someones, and move onto someone else.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
This is in no way an indictment of all the lovely ladies I've seen through ECCIE, but if there's one thing I've learned, is this is NOT "The Pussy Store." Operators are definitely not on duty to take your call, answer your email, etc., etc.

Sometimes a provider doesn't answer the first time you call but will the second. So I generally call two or even three times. Then i leave it alone.

Often, emails, PM and P411 messages aren't seen until hours and sometimes days go by.

I've even booked appointments through a provider's website which don't get checked.

If you've got a fire in your ass, you should be persistent but know full well that sometimes it just isn't meant to be. And even if it is, sometimes is just ain't gonna happen!

Sometimes it's because the lady in question is just that busy. Sometimes they don't have the opportunity to deal with messages, calls, etc. -- day job, family duties and the like. Some providers are simply not good at TCB. And then, there's the chance that the provider knows who you are and just doesn't want to have anything to do with you!

But it's ALL part of this GAME.

Plan B is always an option for me. Of course, Plan A usually calls as I'm walking through Plan B's parking lot...

If you're being a pest, she'll let you know.
  • Paven
  • 04-03-2011, 02:14 PM
I don't understand why someone would have to wait a couple of days for an answer, unless the ladies computer or phone was broken. I don't know how gals stay in business when they don't have good business practices. I usually reply promptly to all inquiries unless I'm in a session or out and about, I will get back to the gent upon return. Some folks only have a certain window for play time and if they have to wait a few days for an answer that could really interfere with their plans. RB it sounds like you're doing everything correctly, but a true business woman wont keep you waiting. If their TCB skills are that poor it makes one wonder how her BCD skills may fare. My .02.
Ben There's Avatar
I've often wondered the same Ralphey. For me, I will typically try twice (with a day or two intervening). If I don't get a response after that, I figure she has her reasons and I just move on.
Whispers's Avatar
This is in no way an indictment of all the lovely ladies I've seen through ECCIE, but if there's one thing I've learned, is this is NOT "The Pussy Store." Operators are definitely not on duty to take your call, answer your email, etc., etc.

Actually... With the plethora of ads.... it most certainly seems like it is....

Sometimes a provider doesn't answer the first time you call but will the second. So I generally call two or even three times. Then i leave it alone.

There is nothing more satisfying to me then to have them come back asking for my business after they were too busy to take my call. Sorry Darlin.... There are plenty of others that take the call when it comes...

Often, emails, PM and P411 messages aren't seen until hours and sometimes days go by.

hours are understandable..... Days... Unless A provider posts something about times she is not looking... As one about to have surgery just did.... then it's just lousy business to let days go by.

I've even booked appointments through a provider's website which don't get checked.

If you've got a fire in your ass, you should be persistent but know full well that sometimes it just isn't meant to be. And even if it is, sometimes is just ain't gonna happen!

Sometimes it's because the lady in question is just that busy. Sometimes they don't have the opportunity to deal with messages, calls, etc. -- day job, family duties and the like. Some providers are simply not good at TCB. And then, there's the chance that the provider knows who you are and just doesn't want to have anything to do with you!

But it's ALL part of this GAME.

Plan B is always an option for me. Of course, Plan A usually calls as I'm walking through Plan B's parking lot...

If you're being a pest, she'll let you know. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

I always have a Plan B. There are numbers for 56 ladies in my phone....on any given day 55 of them can be Plan B
Whispers's Avatar
When and where is that line drawn on being either Persistent, Stalker, Freak Boy, Annoying or just biz as usual??? Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
Until they respond to you that they are not interested in your business, you've crossed no lines.

There are a variety of reasons many of them are flakes..... some of the most prevalent ones are those we simply cannot talk about.
NewWave's Avatar
Until they respond to you that they are not interested in your business, you've crossed no lines.

There are a variety of reasons many of them are flakes..... some of the most prevalent ones are those we simply cannot talk about. Originally Posted by Whispers

agree with Whispers on this.

i think a large reason some providers flake out is because of things we can't discuss on here. I don't even know if I can make a joke about it, but let's just say if they don't respond after a long time and look like they ate a pack of powdered donuts, where there's your answer.

but REB its a great thread and to be honest would like to hear feedback from ladies on this.

REB, to be honest, in my limited experiences what works best is the same in the real world. If i sort of mention I need company but that I also have lots of other options, it's amazing how quick I get responses. Like "hey, come hang out with Mr. Goodbar, but if not, that's cool, I was trying to help you out before moving on."

so ladies, does emailing a lot, trying to set something up, bother you? does it hint at a neediness or make you feel the guy is too much to handle?
Whispers's Avatar
try sending the same email to aout 12 providers and CC them all in the open.....

You will probably get a couple of rapid responses.....

I texted a group of 20 gals the other day that I had a fallout for the afternoon and $250 to spare and had 3 willing to hookup within 3 minutes I would say....
Yssup Rider's Avatar


Damn, you're a man among boys. (But we really can't talk about that here, can we?)
I would say maybe contact her a second time if she does not have a record for being flakey. A miscommunication may have happend, or maybe it went to spam. I know I have problems with my p411 pm's getting thru to me. Also, what do you include in your requests? How do you wolrd them? You have been around a while, so I'm sure you know what to say and how to say it. Just something to think about. I have someone who asks to see me all the time, and tells how horny he is. He always want something right then. He drops me pm's at least twice week that go unanswered!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'm wondering how far in advance someone needs to know how horny they'll be, Brit.

When it hits me (once in a blue moon), I understand, but frankly I'm horny ALL the time or not at all.

I think conscientious scheduling is part of a discipline, just as TCB should be.
I get your point. I should have elaborated. This person writes me novellas all the time. Asks for appointments right then, and when I have been available he made excuses as to why he couldn't come. I dunno, craziness. This was an example of what might cause a lady to not respond!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
We must never lose sight of the ice upon which we skate, eh? Sometimes it can get mighty thin.

I've no doubt you've run across your fair share of nuts in this business. And crazy guys, too!

That's why I always try to repeat: "It's only a hobby..."

Hopefully you set this boy straight!
thanks for the replies!! I do appreciate it..

I do in some cases just send a request for screening a future visit and they may think I am wasting their time?

who knows I will just keep getting up that hill, now I am up big leagues gettin' my turn at bat, I am movin on up!