HEY! Duz ennybuddy know whut happ'nd?

David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Whut tha fukk is up wif thet ol' Ebolarooskie eppy-demic? Seems laik jus' tha uther day thar wuz cases all ova tha US uv A, thousandts an' thousandts uv folks all ovah 'Murrica a-droppin' daid, all on 'ccount ov thet sum'bitch Obama not sealin' tha border an' kwahr-en-teenin' e'erybuddy a-cummin' back frum o'er seas.

Nowadys, ya don't hears nuthin' 'bout it. Ah thincks it's a guv'mint cornspiracy ta hush up tha devamahmistayshun 'til they kin git them millyuns o' coffins thet FEMA ordered all dee-livered so's they kin haul off all tha carcasses unner cuvver o' nite an' set up Obama's soshulist New Werld Order wif tha help o' UN stormtroopers, so they kin throw tha borders wide open an' lett all the Mexy-kins an' Can-adey-yins gallop 'cross an' take ovah so's they's kin legamalize marry-juana an' gay marriage.

An' the 'stablishment Republikins an' tha lamestream media is in cahoots 'cos they wants ta make shore they's got n' endless supply o' cheap an' happy an' grateful landscapers, maids, dishwarshers, nannys, hair dressers an' interrier deckerators.

An' tha Tea Party is in cahoots, too! 'Cos now, thet Cuban commie sleepah agent, Ted "Ah luvs ta suk chorizo" muthafukkin' Cruz, is all set ta be tha furst prezzydent to rule o'er tha US uv A in full-on Spanish! Not a lick o' Anglish ta be spoke, cuz thet muthafukkin' sum'bitch is a gonna make bein' Anglo illegal!

Thet's whut all y'all git fer 'lectin' 'im ta tha US Senate instaid a-votin' fer meh! Yew axksed fer it, now yew got it. Ah hope e'erybuddy's happy.

Now, if'n yew'll 'xcuse meh, Ah gots ta go put 'nuther bag o' flamin' dog poop on Dan "Goeb" Patrick's porch a'gin. Thet stoopid sum'bitch nevah lairns!
Huh? Originally Posted by Pussy Control
I agree huh?
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Huh? Originally Posted by Pussy Control
I agree huh? Originally Posted by Annika
Thet's mah point, 'xactlee!

E'erybuddy's dun fergot about how bad tha Ebolarooskie eppy-demic is. It ain't gone away, sheeple! It's STILL out thar a-killin folks! It's gotta be, as easy as it is ta spread an' incurable an' fatal as it is!

Sump'in this deadly an' corntagious cain't be stopped wiffout sealin' tha borders, kwar-an-teenin' e'erybuddy (an' maybe yew-thin-izin' them all jus' ta be safe!) thet's cum wiffin' a hunnert yards o' tha infected an' burnin e'erythang they's touched an' e'eryplace they's gone down ta tha ground!

Ah'm cornvinced thet thars a major hush-hush cuvver-up, hidin' tha ongoin' spred o' tha Ebolarooskie an' all tha deaths 'till tha guv'mint kin jus' swoop in an' impose a dick-tater chip on us.

Tha troof is out thar!

We're thru tha lookin' glass, sheeple.
Tan Khan's Avatar
Years ago I had a dog that did the exact same thing. I tried different thing to correct his behavior but nothing worked. Once they have learned to do it they can't stop.

In my case I had to put him down regrettably, he was a really good dog otherwise. I wish you the best of luck, you are going to need it.

David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Don't chew werry 'bout meh. Ah'll be jus' fine in mah kustom luxury A-pocky-lips bunker, whilst all y'all are beatin' yer hands bloody on tha foot thick reinmuhforced blast doors, a-tryin' ta git in.

Don't drink tha Kool-Aid. Jello shots is way better.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 03-09-2015, 04:12 PM
Outbreak might have been controlled by the new Swiss vaccine:

You are assuming the reports were real!
And not just propaganda to scare you Into loving Obamacare.
Do you know anyone who had it?
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
You are assuming the reports were real!
And not just propaganda to scare you Into loving Obamacare.
Do you know anyone who had it? Originally Posted by rockerrick
Hmmmmm. Ah laiks tha way yew thinck, buckaroo.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 03-11-2015, 09:26 PM
Trolls have been linked to the ebola virus.

David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Trolls have been linked to the ebola virus.

Originally Posted by Toyz
Ah shulda guessed SL wuld be at tha bottom o' this!