Happy Columbus Day

berryberry's Avatar
Fuck the leftists who want to erase American history

Happy Columbus Day

  • El-mo
  • 10-09-2023, 10:28 AM
Fuck the leftists who want to erase American history

Happy Columbus Day

Originally Posted by berryberry
Columbus isn’t American history. He wasn’t American, and never set foot in this country. The only reason you Boomers think he has anything to do with America is because Italian-American organizations staged a massive PR campaign to connect an Italian to America’s foundational myth, at a time when Italian immigrants were being discriminated against.
berryberry's Avatar
Give thanks today that Christopher Columbus explored westward to the Americas and gave Europe the opportunity to spread Christendom and subdue the savage natives, paving the way to the creation of the greatest, freest, most prosperous nation in history.

eyecu2's Avatar
Give thanks today that Christopher Columbus explored westward to the Americas and gave Europe the opportunity to spread Christendom and subdue the savage natives, paving the way to the creation of the greatest, freest, most prosperous nation in history.

Originally Posted by berryberry
I guess so unless if you were a Native American Indian. Then you were rounded up, put on a reservation or killed if you didn't agree with the European settlers who stole every inch of land in the Midwest and other areas. Whitewashing history doesn't change what happened, but you know that.
berryberry's Avatar
Some unfairly blame Columbus for unfair treatment of the Indians without taking into consideration that he and his crew encountered ruthless tribes that included cannibals and the brutal Aztecs. These contributed to the force needed to survive.

And Columbus stole nothing from the Indians. Columbus simply paved the way for future settlers, like the pilgrims and others, to explore and settle in and establish the 13 colonies

For that we owe Christopher Columbus a debt of thanks

winn dixie's Avatar
I guess so unless if you were a Native American Indian. Then you were rounded up, put on a reservation or killed if you didn't agree with the European settlers who stole every inch of land in the Midwest and other areas. Whitewashing history doesn't change what happened, but you know that. Originally Posted by eyecu2
I instead celebrate Indigenous Peoples day today instead. If people want to celebrate an elitist racist fraud that's fine. History has shown Columbus did not discover America.
winn dixie's Avatar
Some unfairly blame Columbus for unfair treatment of the Indians without taking into consideration that he and his crew encountered ruthless tribes that included cannibals and the brutal Aztecs. These contributed to the force needed to survive.

And Columbus stole nothing from the Indians. Columbus simply paved the way for future settlers, like the pilgrims and others, to explore and settle in and establish the 13 colonies

For that we owe Christopher Columbus a debt of thanks

HAPPY COLUMBUS DAY !!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by berryberry
Smdh! COLUMBUS WAS A THIEF AND CONQUEROR. A pillager. Columbus is owed NOTHING. Except for his real history to be known.
berryberry's Avatar
Christopher Columbus’s brave journey led to the discovery of the New World. His accomplishments will always be greater than those who criticize him. He promotes success through perseverance, criticism and hard work. A proud hero of Western Civilization

Fuck the leftists who want to erase history
  • El-mo
  • 10-09-2023, 12:34 PM
Smdh! COLUMBUS WAS A THIEF AND CONQUEROR. A pillager. Columbus is owed NOTHING. Except for his real history to be known. Originally Posted by winn dixie
You’re talking to a guy who thinks Columbus encountered the Aztecs. They don’t know anything about history. They don’t even care about Columbus (unless they’re Italian). They’re just trying to trigger the libs.

People who actually know history know that Columbus was considered a monster DURING HIS TIME. He was so cruel and barbaric that the Spanish citizens of the Hispaniola colony repeatedly reported his deeds to the king, who eventually brought Columbus back to Spain in chains, and stripped him of all of his titles. The idea that Columbus was a monster is not a modern concept, in any way.

But the history is not important to them. Columbus represents a vision of the 1950s America they want to return to. That’s why they pretend to care about a man who was not from this country and never set foot in this country.
berryberry's Avatar
Columbus is a symbol of Western Civilization and this is why the unhinged leftists and radical activists want to tear down his legacy. These radical leftists are attacking the founding of our nation

We must stand up for our history and not cave to the unhinged marxist mob
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 10-09-2023, 01:22 PM
I agree we shouldn't be celebrating Columbus day, but instead, Vikings day, as its now well known the Vikings were here hundreds of years earlier.

Besides, it would be a better holiday because we could wear cool Viking horned helmets, and carry swords.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 10-09-2023, 01:25 PM
Further, even the indigenous didn't start out on this continent, they just got here sooner, and, there is a good chance that the Chinese and Pacific Islanders also had colonies here, so, which "Indigenous" group do you celebrate for?
winn dixie's Avatar
No Berry. Thats wrong on Columbus. The history of him was always known. Just wasn't taught. Truth is he was a terrible person. With the above I posted and he was involved in early slave trading.
The only sentiment that's roughly true is. Interest in exploration. But to be honest. He just got his funding first. Many others were right behind him in history. In reality Columbus no longer should be celebrated.
  • El-mo
  • 10-09-2023, 01:37 PM
Further, even the indigenous didn't start out on this continent, they just got here sooner, and, there is a good chance that the Chinese and Pacific Islanders also had colonies here, so, which "Indigenous" group do you celebrate for? Originally Posted by Devo
What if we speculate about something that could theoretically have happened in order to justify something that absolutely did happen? I’m very clever!
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 10-09-2023, 01:48 PM
What if we speculate about something that could theoretically have happened in order to justify something that absolutely did happen? I’m very clever! Originally Posted by El-mo
Not my point, there is evidence that both events likely occurred, and there is NO DOUBT whatsoever, the Viking brought seeds back from the Mainland and planted trees not native to Newfoundland.

Further recent historical evidence of fossilzed human footprints date them about 10K years earlier than expected, approximate 24,000 thousands of years ago, theres even evidence in PA, that shows further proof humans or possibly Neanderthals were here far earlier as well.

And evidence that Neanderthals, used boats, long before homo sapiens, what if my Neanderthal relaitives, not even the same Homo species was here first?

We don't know enough at this point to conclusively know WHO the earliest visitors to the new world may have been.

Besides Native Americans aren't, they crossed the land bridge, and were just regular old Asians, bearing Sapien, Neanderthal and Denisovan DNA, they weren't even 100 percent Homo Sapien.

Who and what exactly we are is changing on a regular basis.