Off topic posts - Rant of the day

I could post a question asking how to connect 2 dots with a straight line. A few folks may respond with information on how to do it.

But before the thread finally dies, most of the responses will be about “Why would you want to do that?” “ That’s so stupid.”“ You would have to be an idiot to do that.” “What a dad idea”Followed by posts fighting between members with no relevance at all to the original post.

Why? Why the compulsion to make off topic, worthless responses? If you don’t like the original idea, make your own thread discussing the pros and cons of drawing a line between 2 dots. Don’t clutter up the original post so that those who want to know or care to contribute can in a positive way.

In part, I think some just cannot help it because they have to seem like they know it all. They cannot accept some may wish to do things different than them. Or that others may have an idea they did not come up with. And some are just assholes who like to fuck things up for others.Maybe their last original thought was to get out of bed today and they are jealous.Who knows?

Yes, I know there is no way to really stop it.There are not enough mods to ever be able to really control it. If they did, the number of posts would drop in half over night. Then a lot less work for the mods. Hmm…

Sometimes I wish there was a forum where the OP could boot people off their own thread and remove off topic content. Everyone would know the OP could have those powers on their own thread so no outcries of censorship. Of course, most threads would be about one page long and with no drama interest would dry up quickly.

Ah well, I doubt it will ever get better.
Oh look, a unicorn!

(Sorry, couldn't resist. I tried. I really did.)
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
What do you expect? This is a board full of fucktards like myself.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I've thought a lot about what you've written over the years. And now, I have a bit of a different perspective since being a moderator and all.

Once I am honest with myself and attempting to personally clarify about why I'm here and what this board accomplishes for many people, would we really wish to have a completely homogenized board where everyone took Soma (ref. Brave New World) and didn't fuss or argue points or be an absolute pain in the ass?

That is one of the enjoyments that a board such as this one brings.

I don't like the jerks that purposefully just behave barbarically with rudeness on the front burners and the females that just won't pull in their claws for any reason what so ever.

And I don't like it when I try to reason with people and they just don't like to listen ... but isn't this the human condition?

I mean ... I like certain flavors of ice cream and you probably like different ones.

I'm not defending those that mess up the more pleasant topics for everyone. But I try to separate the wheat from the chaff, so to speak ... and enjoy the dialogue when the opportunity arises to do so.

But people ENJOY the dramatics of a board such as this one. I don't think that people are being truthful to themselves when they suggest otherwise ... at least not the regulars on this board.

ALL message boards have their trolls and difficult members.

I'm a member, and moderator, of another board that is a bit more highbrow and they've tried to keep the drama down to zero.

And guess what? The board is becoming dead. The board HAS been dead, for months now.

The last few trouble makers were asked to leave and then a few females left and now, there are a few postings a week there. If that.

So I think that Eccie works on the level that it's supposed to.

I'm not speaking FOR anyone and just sharing my viewpoints.

Are people hateful and mean on this board? Sure. But they would be just mean and hateful anyway. It's nice that some of us can see that sort of thing before we invite them over to our place! (See Ze's most recent topic in Dallas coed)

I guess what I wish to write is that I COMPLETELY understand your frustration. But I don't see the dynamics changing anytime soon.

Hope you're gearing up to having a great weekend! I'm working all weekend (hint hint to all those looking around and shopping!) but am headed in the direction of having a GREAT one myself!

If you are trying to ask a legitimate question, yes, you will get some straight answers, and if you keep your thread going long enough, you might just get the answer you want even if it is not the right one. But, for the most part, some members of this board will either crack jokes with their dry/smartass sense of what they think is humor, have their opinion, know it all and we better agree with as fact on every subject out there and be condescending to make themselves feel more important. But, depending upon who it is that is asking or simply making a post, the members with an agenda will just flat out take personal shots, possibly baiting for a piss match and usually completely hijacking the thread.

It will not get better as the OP is part of the problem his entire ranting he says he is against, as his condescending personal agenda in these few reviews/posts/threads reveals:

Welcome to jr high........errrr Eccie!
I'm waiting for a mod to make the point that you posted this in code and not the sandbox.
There we go. A perfect example of what I posed about. Dawg, you managed to hit every point in my post including the personal attacks all in one post. Good job!!

If you are trying to ask a legitimate question, yes, you will get some straight answers, and if you keep your thread going long enough, you might just get the answer you want even if it is not the right one. But, for the most part, the members of this board will either crack jokes with their dry/smartass sense of what they think is humor, have an opinion that we better agree with as fact on every subject out there, be condescending to make themselves feel more important or depending upon who it is that is asking or simply posting, the members with an agenda will just flat out take personal shots, possibly baiting for a piss match and usually completely hijacking the thread.

It will not get better as the OP is part of the problem his ranting he says he is against, as his condescending personal agenda in these few reviews/posts/threads reveals:

Welcome to jr high........errrr Eccie! Originally Posted by davidfree986
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Adult humans have the minds of 3 year olds
Especially when sex is involved... Thanks for posting dear. Those are some killer photos. I need to do some research on you!!
Adult humans have the minds of 3 year olds Originally Posted by MaryBeth
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Especially when sex is involved... Thanks for posting dear. Those are some killer photos. I need to do some research on you!! Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
Research away, you might like what you find
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 06-20-2014, 01:46 PM
I have never had a discussion about unicorns ONLY include unicorns.

Discussions about unicorns often involve rainbows, mushrooms, a golden chalice, a mischievous faerie and who knows what else but it usually all revolves around unicorns.

How about having a discussion and not a "search engine"? Hell, you get off topic search results there too...

And you ladies are right of course. If every thread stayed purely on topic it would be boring. But hay, that's what rants are for, right? Blow off some steam? Maybe make some folks actually think a little?
TinMan's Avatar
There are a lot of folks around here with long histories, and longer memories. It's difficult to get over our biases, and even the best of us let it show at times. So many disagreements over such a long span of time (when you consider both ASPD and ECCIE), and you inevitably get off-topic comments almost immediately.
novacain's Avatar
Wanna have an on topic convo, have it with yourself, you might just change your mind.
As the OP, you should be the one primarily responsible for keeping your topic on target. You asked the question, you should lead the discussion.

Ask compound questions. Respond and thank those who answer, regardless of whether you agree. When you have counterpoints, make them politely after first pointing out where you do agree.

If the topic naturally goes off topic, I say go with it. If the thread dissolves to inane babble and insults, then call in a MOD to issue a warning.

Two mistakes posters make... They post but don't carefully follow their thread. If you don't have time to participate, wait to post. Or they only want to hear from people who agree or give the answers they want.