I have been in the hobby for a while and I have had some BS on the board and my share of drama. Just like many of us that actually hobby we take in on the chin and move on. But every once and a while there come some hobbyist that are such piss ants and Sissy's that when it gets hot for them they high tail and RUN for the new handles hills. I don't respect pussy trolls and bitch boys that change their handles because they fucked up their name and or credibility and that getting a new handle will help. WELL GUESS WHAT??? IT WONT. we all see between the lines. In fact you look more like a sleezy man bitch for doing it. Anyway just thought I would vent. Peace out FUCK BITCHES.
Still Looking's Avatar
I totally agree. If you are caught posting videos without consent that should equal outing and a year ban.
Dr. Sin's Avatar
Damn, sounds like you're having a tough go right now
Didn't know that someone changing or editing their handle could affect you so much on a deeply emotional level
Hope your hard on for this guy doesn't continue giving you headaches my friend, there are much healthier and much more satisfying ways to blow off steam that the beautiful ladies of this hobby provides ; )
Haha, I see what you did there. Trying to bait him huh?
Lol. He knows better. The sad thing is that he is sicker then I thought. I guess he thinks when you change handles you are actually a different person. In truth bang bang I only police the Jedi mind trick your trying to pull on everyone because of how bad you screwed over kendell.. That was a low life move. That is why I will always let everyone know that you are not to be trusted in the hobby and you purposely leaked so many videos. Anyway bang bang sin. Ur up.and the only headache I get is going in and banging the girls that you left unsatisfied..even my balls hurt by the real smashing I give. Lol you wish you can be me.
Dr. Sin's Avatar
Y'all got me cracking up as usual

Carry on
Looks like Whata Peon is back to puffing out his troll chest to curry favor from providers.
I'm sure they are really impressed with that Whata Peon!

If whores are dumb enough to allow pics and videos, it's on them.
Once you give up control of an image of yourself, you have no business crying where ever it ends up!
Should have been smart enough to know that going in.

Hey Mods, I thought attack threads where not allowed in Austin?
You guys forget how to do your job?
This is the second one this idiot has started!
Wow look at RR I guess bang bang will be your first review as much as your WK HIM. lol I would have never quessed. And its only an information thread.
I give less a fuck about bang bang than I do your pot bellied balding troll ass.
I have no need to write reviews moron.

Information thread by a sniveling little pussy trying to be on the good side of stupid whores that don't matter!
winn dixie's Avatar
I guess whata-peon has learned you can't fix stupid!! His command of spelling and the English language is beyond ridiculous....
So what happened did he cancel on you?. Ncns?. Or just plain GHOST you?.
Ambree Austin's Avatar
Dr. Sin LMFAO oh what a name. You did such a great job in picking it. Rocker Rick you're correct in your statement about if you record it you never know where it's going to show up but it's fucked up to make money off somebody and not share don't you agree? Especially when you're the man motherfuking attraction. I love making videos I love fucking and I love getting paid but when all three don't come together correctly people get pissed. You've had a hard-on for me since me and your ex slave got into it you should come see me cuz you seem to be in a fucked off mood and I know for a fact I could change that LOL especially if you settle for girls like her you must be on her fuck for free list
Still Looking's Avatar
I love making video... I love fucking... I love getting paid! Holly shit I'm a hooker

Ambree Austin's Avatar
Damn right