
  • MrGiz
  • 08-16-2012, 06:35 PM
What is it, with all the talk of pimps in the last few years?

When I first moved to Arkansas, we had a nice sized, healthy, harem of working girls... and there was never a mention of pimps. I continue to do most of my hobbying down in New Orleans, and the issue of pimps is hardly ever mentioned.

When I think of the "A-List" of traveling girls... pimps don't come to mind.

What is it, with all the drama concerning pimps in Arkansas? What is the attraction? What is the advantage? Why are some girls pimped? Why are some girls targeted and harassed by pimps.... while most other quality, independent girls aren't?

I'll admit... I know practically nothing about the phenomenon... I do not understand the entire concept! Much controversy appears to be rooted in pimps.... why has this become a problem here in Arkansas in just the past few years? Can any of the OldeTime Arky Dawgs tell of many Pre-Katrina, Arkansas Pimp stories?

What is it, about girls who are not targeted by pimps?

Was Mary Magdelene pimped?
If so... did she have the most talented pimp of all time?

Did Adam pimp Eve out to the Snake?
MrHappy4u's Avatar
I'm with you, Giz. I don't get it, either and there never was any hint of it pre-Katrina when you got blown north. The best I can tell, it has become a spillover from Craig's List being shut down and the loss of the advertising medium.

Prior to ECCIE coming on the scene and the old ASPD days, the Arkansas community was tight knit and truely a community. Sorry, I'm not trying to make a trip back to the "good ole days", but the rise of BackPage as an advertising medium began to spill over into the Eccie Community. Until then, you never heard of a 1/2 hour appointment or anything less than an "A-list" GFE experience. Now, you have to research the menu (as well as safety issues, etc) before taking the plunge.

BTW, as much as I travel and hobby in other parts of the country, I don't hear about it. At least right now it seems to be regional.

I have some theories about the pimp issues as they exist here and now, but I'm not sure I'm ready to weigh in with my "dime store" psychology. I'd rather hear some other theories and opinions.
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  • herky
  • 08-16-2012, 08:22 PM
I might not be an "Old Dwg" but up until the latest issues I have never heard anything hardly at all about pimps n hoes or pimp power being used around arkansas.. Some times I miss the old ASPD days but then again I don't...

I'll throw a toliet seat theory out there.. I think it's all related to the Mayan calender and the end of days coming.. That or a bunch of thugs are just trying to "push" into the game and have gotten a taste from a couple of BP girls and are trying to expand into the more respectable ladies whom bring in more $$. They were prob put onto the girls there picking on based upon others giving them prospective "workers" and are actually just using them to pick on those that they cannot stand as a fellow provider.

But hey that's my thoughts and just that.. Just my thoughts not based upon any hard proof or anything.
To play devils advocate, allow me to postulate that the actual count not unlike UFO reports is a bit cloudy. There are ladies who have gentlemen friends who share their bread and board, and perhaps are even financially supported, but if he does not exert control over her, it is difficult to call him a pimp or every woman who put their husband through medical school would be pimped. The current population of alleged fancy dressers, if sightings are accurate seems to be fairly low as he/them tends to move around a good bit, and changes sides frequently as well as having more than one business partner at a time.The half hour issue may very well be one of economy rather than evidence of management.The hobbyist has less to spend, and does the best he can with the assistance of ladies sympathetic to his plight. We are not all millionaires with a creative tax preparer just as all providers do not pull down six figures working at agencies listed on the stock exchange.
I do not believe my memory does me too great an injustice when I say, that my recollection of the old board, venerable though it may have been, was not exactly the workers paradise often depicted. It was, as now, a mixture of top drawer, middle of the road and bottom of the barrel just like any other industry. It may be that in my inexperience, I had more missteps than I do now, but if I had to choose, I would take ECCIE even if a pimp pops out of the woodwork now and again.
  • MrGiz
  • 08-16-2012, 10:33 PM
. . . I do not believe my memory does me too great an injustice when I say, that my recollection of the old board, venerable though it may have been, was not exactly the workers paradise often depicted. It was, as now, a mixture of top drawer, middle of the road and bottom of the barrel. . . . Originally Posted by Mr.Chan
Yes... agreed... but my memory of ASPD era "pimp" problems is empty.

There were just as many poor horny dawgs back then, as there is now. . . Sorry... but I don't buy the "current bad economy" angle... just me...

What is the "pimp" difference between then, and now?

I kinda get the CL / BP theory (just a lil bit).... but I remember shopping New Orleans Gambit Classifieds suckcessfully, without memory of pimps.

Just seems so unecessary... It's all a mystery to me...
If it suits some to consider the board a hotbed of pimp activity, we are all entitled to our opinion, but if you have heard of more than the rumored two locally,it is news to me. It is possible that NewOrleans possesses a more independent breed of lady who possesses the confidence and emotional stability as well as good business sense to refuse to be controlled by a man,I do not know. It is also possible that those ladies keep their private matters private. It is after all a mysterious and exotic part of the country, and possibly with a population more experienced at crime. The close proximity to two large bodies of water makes the hiding of evidence less than problematic.