The Trade Agreement.......Strange Bedfellows

Lead by Senator Liz Warren and the major Unions, there is a big opposition to President Obama's Trade Pact.

This is making for some strange partners. There are those who think that The President couldn't negotiate a deal for a delux pizza but think he has this nailed, and those that think he deserves the Peace Prize again for his negotiations with Iran, but think he is being a lackey to the big corporations and China in these negotiations.

This could get ugly. And this just might be the thing that compels Senator Elizabeth a Warren to challenge Hillary.
Strange bedfellows, indeed. With the unions against it, my knee-jerk reaction is to be for it, but I'd have to learn more. Previous trade agreements have not proven particularly beneficial for us. In theory they should help, but it seems they flow one way. NAFTA, for example, will have those for it saying it created jobs in the US, but detractors argue it cost the US well-paying jobs. They also don't really look at trade balance, which might help to paint a more complete picture. The unions won't be for it, because just using NAFTA alone as an example, they can point to high-paying manufacturing jobs being shifted away from the US.
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The unions won't be for it, because just using NAFTA alone as an example, they can point to high-paying manufacturing jobs being shifted away from the US. Originally Posted by WombRaider
That's because they don't have to buy the $100 dress shirts they want to make.
Ozommunists and Orinos, fucking us again...

I can't believe this isn't garnering more interest on the board. Chris Mathews just spent the better part of his Show lamenting how this could split the Democrats right down the middle.

The big Union/ Pocahontas wing is out and out saying that The Obama Administration has old them out, caving in to big business, big banks, and other big Countries at the expense of American Workers. In short, China is playing is again like a cheap fiddle.

And Hillary is caught in the middle. Up until the moment she announced, she was for it, now, she is flip flopping because a major part of the left just might compel Pocahantas to get in in race. They just might be able to beat her in a heads up Primary system.

Of course, Chris and all of his Cronys are saying that the left wing has to get on board, and go along with the coronation as planned, and worry later about where they are going to go to work in the morning.