Trump doesn't sign Pledge To Not Overthrow Gov.

The dog whistle we heard when he refused to comment on if he would abuse power if reelected has transformed into an air raid siren.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
At least he is being honest. Originally Posted by 1#Ratt

you are aware that these pledges are unenforceable on candidates as a condition for candidacy and have been largely ruled unconstitutional by the supreme court right?
you are aware that these pledges are unenforceable on candidates as a condition for candidacy and have been largely ruled unconstitutional by the supreme court right? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

I think everyone is aware. It is simply asking for a verbal promise, that is not enforceable.

That's like telling your wife and pastor that you are doing the right thing, but you still spend your time on a hooker board for happy ending massages. There is no assumption that what he pledges can be enforced.

The issue is that, he is being asked to generally do the right thing. Will you promise not to abuse power? Will you promise not to try to overthrow the government?
Him saying 'no' to any of those is a red flag. A normal politician, even if they were going to abuse power (they do) would say of course they wouldn't.

Or to say it another way, if you get pulled over for speeding, regardless of if you were speeding or not, the answer to the police officer asking the question 'Do you know how fast you were going?' shouldn't be 'Fuck you!'
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I think everyone is aware. It is simply asking for a verbal promise, that is not enforceable.

That's like telling your wife and pastor that you are doing the right thing, but you still spend your time on a hooker board for happy ending massages. There is no assumption that what he pledges can be enforced.

The issue is that, he is being asked to generally do the right thing. Will you promise not to abuse power? Will you promise not to try to overthrow the government?
Him saying 'no' to any of those is a red flag. A normal politician, even if they were going to abuse power (they do) would say of course they wouldn't.

Or to say it another way, if you get pulled over for speeding, regardless of if you were speeding or not, the answer to the police officer asking the question 'Do you know how fast you were going?' shouldn't be 'Fuck you!' Originally Posted by onawbtngr546

your attempts to justify this nonsense thread are laughable. you and ratt rant about an unenforceable "condition" as "proof" of what exactly?

that Trump is some evil dictator? nonsense
your attempts to justify this nonsense thread are laughable. you and ratt rant about an unenforceable "condition" as "proof" of what exactly?

that Trump is some evil dictator? nonsense Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

The amount of red flags is so concerning from the MAGAs.

Mr Trump, if you are elected again, will you abuse power?
No comment

Mr Trump, can you promise the American people that you won't try to overthrow the government?
No, I will not make such promise.

Wake up sheeple. A sane person fit for office won't say those kinds of things.
At least he is being honest. Originally Posted by 1#Ratt
... Of course He is... Trump is always Honest.

#### Salty
... Of course He is... Trump is always Honest.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
It's amazing how MAGAs can keep saying that, except that time and time ago his 'truthfulness' keeps getting disproven.

What's your explanation for all the other times that Trump outright lied and spread misinformation?
It's absolutely pathetic how far the trump cult goes to justify his abhorrent behavior. Then again, that's why it's a cult. Common sense, decency and objective truth have no place in trump world.
your attempts to justify this nonsense thread are laughable. you and ratt rant about an unenforceable "condition" as "proof" of what exactly?

that Trump is some evil dictator? nonsense Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
At least you read the article, as most of your ilk didn't. It did mention that the pledge, was not enforceable. So, tell me what is so different between this pledge and the ones trump demanded for those running against him.
He seemed to have taken them very seriously.
I'm sure trump made a conscious not to sign it.
He even said he wanted to be a dictator. ( At least for a day).
I say so!
... Of course He is... Trump is always Honest.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Salty, I'm glad you are coming around, and realize trump didn't sign the pledge, because he didn't agree to it.
eyecu2's Avatar
You realize that the boy scout pledge, and other pledges are not really enforceable. Hell Trump's wedding vows, to love honor and cherish solely unto thee we're never held enforceable or accountable.

What's the problem though with a pledge - or the very nature of it to show people who are listening, that you are a man of your word. The answer is Trump isn't, and never has been. Asking him to pledge to do anything other than what he wants to do is a waste of time. As is his run of a second term.
You realize that the boy scout pledge, and other pledges are not really enforceable. Hell Trump's wedding vows, to love honor and cherish solely unto thee we're never held enforceable or accountable.

What's the problem though with a pledge - or the very nature of it to show people who are listening, that you are a man of your word. The answer is Trump isn't, and never has been. Asking him to pledge to do anything other than what he wants to do is a waste of time. As is his run of a second term. Originally Posted by eyecu2

The POS made a pledge "oath" to the constitution of the United States and you see how that turned out!
Who gives two shits going foward about anything that turd has to say about anything?
As for the evil dictator line, he's a wanna be evil dictator!
He admires the most evil dictators alive today and quotes the dead ones in his speaches!
He's evil alright!
But he and his clown car of stooges couldn't pull it off when the pickings were ripe!
And now if there's a God this evil will perish in prison!
Only POTUS to ever salute a North Korean dictator.
Only POTUS to never concede an election loss.
Only POTUS to incite an attempted insurrection.
Only POTUS to refuse to participate in the peaceful transfer of power.
Only POTUS to lie about a pandemic.
Only POTUS to shit on our NATO allies in front of the entire world.
Only POTUS to trust Russia over his own FBI and CIA.
Only POTUS to ever teargas peaceful protesters.

He's the worst piece of shit in the history of American politics, and his eventual death will cause a worldwide celebration the likes of which we've never seen. It will make New Year's Eve look like a kid's birthday party.

Champagne's on ice, motherfuckers...
Only POTUS to ever teargas peaceful protesters. Originally Posted by tommy156

For a photo op, even.

But MAGAs will say 'Well, he's my President!'

Yea buddy. You've made it really clear that your moral values are bankrupt (just like Your President) already. Stop digging your own grave. You'll find your way to hell naturally.