Seems some on the left are starting to wisen up - 'A Significant Shift': Blue Collar Democrats Switching To Republican In 'Deep Purple' Pennsylvania

berryberry's Avatar
'A Significant Shift': Blue Collar Democrats Switching To Republican In 'Deep Purple' Pennsylvania

Nearly 59,000 registered Pennsylvania Democrats left the party in 2023; that makes more voters than fans needed to fill the capacity of the Franklin Field Football Stadium at the University of Pennsylvania.

Of those nearly 59,000 who left the Democratic Party, 36,950 switched to the Republican party, and 21,644 switched their party affiliation to “other,” the category the Pennsylvania Department of State uses in its data to cover parties such as Green and Libertarian.

“As the Democrat Party tilts further to the progressive left, more historically traditional, working-class families are moving to the Republican Party, both in terms of how they vote and how they’re registered,” conservative political strategist Charlie Gerow told the Epoch Times.

There is a significant shift going on in the base of the party, he said.

“The stuff we were taught in civics class simply is no longer the case—where the Republicans are the party of the country club set and the brie and Chablis crowd—now to a greater extent, the Republicans are the party of working men and women and the Democrats are the party of the privileged elite.

And black voter registration was once reliably Democratic, but now many have turned to the Republican Party.

“Brown voters are increasingly Republican, in huge numbers, at a time when the media constantly tells black and brown people that Donald Trump is a racist. And he’s running up numbers [of black voters] unheard of by a Republican.”

This exodus from the Democratic Party is not new, but it has accelerated, Mr. Gerow said.

“People have been switching from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party for quite a while in Pennsylvania,” he said.

“There was, at one time, a 1 million vote advantage to the Democrats by registration, and now it’s down to about a third of that.”
I buy that. Issue is it won’t affect elections.
Last Presidential election Trump was leading then they stopped counting votes until the next day, Trump lost.

Coincidence, a remarkable change in votes when one person was leading when counting stopped that evening then the other person was leading after vote counting started the next day.
Iceman's Avatar
Question is, are they switching because their beliefs changed, or are they switching to undermine the Republicans?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Good question.

Wouldn’t hurt to provide the source of that story.
berryberry's Avatar
I buy that. Issue is it won’t affect elections.
Last Presidential election Trump was leading then they stopped counting votes until the next day, Trump lost.

Coincidence, a remarkable change in votes when one person was leading when counting stopped that evening then the other person was leading after vote counting started the next day. Originally Posted by Chase7
Yeah, if the Democrats cheat once again like they did in 2020, it may have no impact. That said, it speaks volumes to how American's are waking up to the Democrat's scam. How Americans are rejecting the far left lunatic policies of Democrat politicians and how the GOP has become the party of the working man while the Democrats cater to the privileged elite