Fake review posted about me wtf!!!!!!!

Omg this is crazy! I refused to see a man and now he has posted a review about me. This man needs to get a life! His name is Bla**Co**Ris**g what a crazy man this is...........lmao!idiot .
Here's the link:


The fact that he gives your race as "mixed" makes me think he never actually met you.

For what it is worth, it is a positive review with a "yes" recommendation.

Not going to discuss any of the ROS in it, but for a fake review, it should not hurt your business.
Good lord............Hehheeeee!
How you going to post a review when you haven't even seen this woman??????? I dont care if it is positive or not ......sorry im just really pissed right now...... I will contact a mod asap.............I dont know what that will do but oh well gotta give it a try.
bojulay's Avatar
Weird. What's this guys angle, trying to get premium
access or something. Read it through one time and you
can tell that it's fake. It should be removed.
Girl he just joined yesterday... of course it's a fake review... he's a troll.
I remember when you called me about the guy that asked you if you saw certain races and then said he would post a FAKE review on you cause you cussed him out before you hung up.... This has to be same guy. Now, here's the review he "promised" you. Dont sweat it. You will get haters in this business. Trust me.... I KNOW. Just ask the mod's to remove it. It's apparent that it's the same ass that you told me about the other day. I'm not buying this one in the least.

Tiger, it's a good "yes" recommendation but a FAKE review. He never met her. That's just a way for him to get Premium access and can also get seen by girls that DON'T screen very well. Puts them in danger. If this guy is crazy enough to post a fake review, he's just plain crazy and psycho. All the ladies need to know what he has done and NOT to trust him.