Just wanted to point out that VinnyItaliano has written an obviously fake review on me.. Don't be fooled.

Heya guys! I haven't been doing much today.. Just hanging out, browsing Black Friday ads and watching tv for the most part..

I decided to check my e-mails a little while ago and a well-known provider sent me an e-mail alerting me to the fact that VinnyItaliano (a known fake reviewer) has written a false and completely made up review of a supposed visit on November 17th.

Here it is: http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=605624

Here's the thing, and why this can't be accurate:

I didn't even do any appointments on Saturday the 17th. LOL. Definitely didn't do an outcall to your home in downtown, wherever that may be.

And VinnyItaliano, you and I both know that when you initially contacted me, I did make the mistake of exchanging numbers with you and I told you I would be in touch after I got you screened.

I did some further research and I decided against seeing you, because, well, you ARE a known fake reviewer and I didn't want to get involved with a client who isn't honest about his experiences with women on this board.

You also contacted me again in chat last night, remember?
Telling me something or other about my tits or whatever pic I had just posted.

I proceeded to let you know that I was still not interested at all and that I didn't appreciate you continuously contacting me.

I honestly didn't think you would take it to this level and be this extreme. You didn't get your way (an appointment with me) so you decided to throw a tantrum (post a fake review that never took place)

I just wanted to put this out there because I don't read these boards posts as much as I used to and I'm not constantly by the computer to see what's being said...

But all the guys who I have had the pleasure of meeting know that the general description he gave of me is just so not accurate whatsoever. Everyone always tells me I look like 19 or 20 instead of my age (23) and I'm in good shape and that hasn't changed... So who knows where he came up with his "facts".. But what I do know is, this review is completely and utterly fictitious and did not ever take place.

And again, those who know me and have experienced me for themselves truly know, this is totally made up. Those who haven't met me yet, you can base your decisions on whatever you like, but I have countless.. dozens.. of amazing reviews and I don't have these types of issues that are being stated. I'm GFE, I love what I do, and my hygiene is ALWAYS great- freshly shaved, washed hair, teeth are brushed, make up has been applied, the whole 9.

I genuinely appreciate everyone I have seen but honestly, when a guy feels like his last resort to get back at a girl who doesn't want to see him is doing this, it makes the hobby a little less fun.

Thanks for reading, guys, and thanks for the support I've been receiving!

Always, Savannah
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 11-21-2012, 01:28 PM
(freshly shaved, washed hair, teeth are brushed, make up has been applied, the whole 9)

Anything less would be a crime, Lots of "fake reviews" going on today, hope it works out for you. PS: love those nice tits of yours.
(freshly shaved, washed hair, teeth are brushed, make up has been applied, the whole 9)

Anything less would be a crime, Lots of "fake reviews" going on today, hope it works out for you. PS: love those nice tits of yours. Originally Posted by biglatinmale

Of course, no doubt!! I'm the first to understand that you ALWAYS have to look, smell, and even taste your very best in this hobby. Hygiene is VERY important to me. Guys who have come to my incall know.. I take EXCESSIVE showers LOL

And my tits will be right here waitin' for ya, babe. They're not going anywhere
If I post on here...you better believe there is a reason for it.
I have not seen the reviewer in question, yet I was reviewed by him(months ago)
I guess in my case it was a yes review....
Anyways, I'd hate for anyone's reputation to be tarnished in this situation when it is very undeserved.
john_deere's Avatar
don't worry, sweet treat...nobody's going to read it because, not only does he have the writing skills of a 4th grader (sorry, 4th graders, that was mean...), BUT HE WROTE THE WHOLE THING IN CAPS. loser.
Shep3.0's Avatar
OMG....his Tori Capelli's review is hilarious. Appears that he cut and pasted Still Looking's review ...LMAO
killswitch321's Avatar
I couldn't read your review by him anyway, I can't read All Caps.

I also Just wanted to point this out that most if not all of VinnyItaliano's post on here are Reviews and He doesn't retort on any of them. That is a trait that someone isn't being honest here.
Sleepy363's Avatar
Great to hear that they got it all sorted out and action taken against a guy who writes a fake review like that.

I believed him at first, so I'm glad to hear that the truth came out.
PoppyToyota's Avatar
Sucks when people pass judgement on others without doing the research. All you gotta do is look at someones full body of work and you can learn what to expect.
Texasquest's Avatar
Great to hear that they got it all sorted out and action taken against a guy who writes a fake review like that.

I believed him at first, so I'm glad to hear that the truth came out. Originally Posted by still-asleep

I agree with Poppy. The keyboard warriors are quick to pile on without using some common sense and doing a lil homework. This review was obviously FAKE yet you and others seemed to relish the chance to throw Sweet treats under the bus. Now you act appalled that someone would do something like this. And throw praises out for the mods taking action. If you're so appalled why don't you step up and apologize to the one you were quick to throw under the bus??
Man sweet treat, i really hope something HORRIBLE happens to that guy, he could have cost you a lot but than with a good reputation liken yours, it would be hard to believe some one like you would do anything that was said.
Sleepy363's Avatar
I agree with Poppy. The keyboard warriors are quick to pile on without using some common sense and doing a lil homework. This review was obviously FAKE yet you and others seemed to relish the chance to throw Sweet treats under the bus. Now you act appalled that someone would do something like this. And throw praises out for the mods taking action. If you're so appalled why don't you step up and apologize to the one you were quick to throw under the bus?? Originally Posted by Texasquest
I didn't throw her under the bus. The fake reviewer did. I just believed the words he said at first until more facts came out and responded based on that. He had a decent amount of reviews at the point when he wrote this one so I didn't go through all of his reviews.

I also did not act "appalled" about anything. I simply said I'm glad it was straightened out after the facts came out and action was taken because of it.... and I am. I'm glad that the truth came out.

Do I REGRET that I believed him? Obviously because it wasn't true.

I'm glad that you've never made a mistake in your life so that you can pass judgement yourself on someone who actually has. Here you are... a keyboard warrior in this thread. Pot meet kettle.

Savannah... I'm sorry for making a mistake in believing a fake reviewer and responding to that.
Savannah... I'm sorry for making a mistake in believing a fake reviewer and responding to that. Originally Posted by still-asleep

Apology accepted

I do think, however, that this should open some gents' eyes.. Not everything you read here is true and a lot of things should be taken with a grain of salt, even the good reviews.

For a while now, however, my positive reviews have been pretty consistent and for the most part my reviews speak volumes about the quality of my service, looks, and BCD skills, which I've been told by many is outstanding.

And over time, I have learned to do my research before seeing someone or judging someone based solely on others' opinions

Have a very Happy Thanksgiving to you all, and thank you so much for all the kind words!

Hope you all have a great holiday!
PhotoFantasies's Avatar
Man sweet treat, i really hope something HORRIBLE happens to that guy, he could have cost you a lot but than with a good reputation liken yours, it would be hard to believe some one like you would do anything that was said. Originally Posted by The Chelsea Stone

I almost never post in here, but could not let this pass without putting in my opinion. Hopefully people will see this fake review for what it is.. total BS. Fortunately, anyone who knows Sweet Treat or has even met her knows that it is not even a close description of her.

Guys that post false reviews trying to ruin the reputation of nice ladies usually end up doing only one thing.. ruining their own reputation!! I think any lady that would see someone after BS like this would be crazy!!

And guys, if you choose to believe obviously fake reviews and other crap like this and let it keep you from seeing Savannah or any other lady.. it's your loss.
Too many inaccuracies have been noted re Vinne's review so it's off the radar re credibility. The fact that he's done harm to someone's reputation should be noted by Moderators and action taken. At a minimum the Mods should NOT afford VinnieItaliano access to any of the boards based upon a fake review.