Ashley Apple, is thinking about visiting! but I need advise...

missashleyapple1's Avatar
Hey guys!

I'm based out of Dallas and never been to your fine town to play... Before I make arrangements, I would like to know if I have a chance. I am Latina and I noticed a lot of beautiful Latina providers in your area. Is there room for another one? I'm ready to explore outside of Dallas!!!

Gracias chicos!
Spinners do well.
FoulRon's Avatar
My understanding of our market:
1) always room for one more
2) see above

You are damn nice looking and probably won't have trouble filling your schedule.
Whispers's Avatar
You are a very pretty lady with a desirable body type that will do better than others but....

Your showcase rates are at the top of the market for Austin if not higher than where most of the action is. Combined with the time of the year and cash drains of the holidays I would be surprised if you could pull off a successful visit before mid January.

Good Luck though.
Tatonka's Avatar
You should perhaps consider putting up some postings in the Austin ad's section a week or two in advance and then gauge the interest.

You are very attractive and Austin does love latinas and spinners, but your rates are on the higher end of the market.

Best of luck to you.
Still Looking's Avatar

Sweetie you have a "First Time In Austin Special" $259.95 and I can personally promise you'll have more hits than a "TOYZ I'll Pay Full Price ISO"

Oh and picture #1 in your show case....

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Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 11-21-2014, 10:27 PM
Austin can be very accommodating and creative.

When we get lemons we make Lemonade. And when we get Apples we send the bad ones over to Dell HQ and keep the good ones for ECCIE Applesauce. J/K

Good luck.
knotty man's Avatar
pork chops and applesauce......(if your old enough, youll get it)
yes darling you will do well come on down!
You can do well in Austin just keep the rates at the going rate!
that's my best *ADVICE!
Be safe and have fun
missashleyapple1's Avatar
Thanks everybody, you all have been very much helpful. Please be on the lookout, maybe after the holidays.

Kisses and happy holidays!
chairspud's Avatar
Ashley hope you make it to ATX after holidays. Please add me to notification!!
pgman's Avatar
  • pgman
  • 11-24-2014, 07:56 PM
Yes, absolutely. I would love to see you!

I have to wait until AFTER the holidays??
Hell, I'll drive to Dallas for a bite of that apple! Put me down!