Anybody feeling tense? Have sex!

terrier16973479's Avatar
I had the usual reaction to stress, the stress of the election, in this case. Tonight, my gut was bothering me for a while. It happens to me after the stress is over, although I'm not sure I'm through dealing with it.
Anyway, I've noticed this before, that during, and especially after stress is over, I seek out sex for relief. I get horny, act irrationally, make risky decisions.
This happen to anybody else?
When I was married, some of our most erotic encounters occurred during or after tense situations. OK, now I'm not talking about situations where the tension was between us, but from outside, or from something one of our teenagers had done.
I've got to ask business up, providers?
Gotyour6's Avatar
If you were stressed and still are stressed over this election to the point you have to write about it I am betting you have other issues.

May want to seek a therapist or something.
Yeah, I totally feel you on Election Day related stress Terrier. On the day of, I was in NYC not too far away from where both candidates were posted up in Midtown Manhattan. Tuning out every minute update was impossible. Even the Empire State Building was plastered with gargantuan HRC and DT avatars and the Electoral College results as they came in. In the week since, I have found a few opportunities for release!
I get stressed out when I'm NOT having sex often! Whatever the female equivalent of blue balls turns me into a raging bitch.

(Cue peanut gallery saying I must not be getting laid then. you too smartasses.)

Anywho, there is something to be said in seeking comfort with intimacy while you are going through a rough time. During my Corporate USA stint, while work was giving me ulcers, I couldn't keep my hands off my SO. Heck, it's a miracle I don't have a public indecency charge from that time.

I will say that client spurred pre-workout convo about politics increased and continues to do so.