Hawaii Missile Alert

Bestman200600's Avatar
PeterBota's Avatar
We don’t really need Hawaii anyway.
Bestman200600's Avatar
There judges were causing problems for Washington.
PeterBota's Avatar
Lmao ^^
CG2014's Avatar
Well, if that were to be real, Hawaiians will only have about 30-33 minutes to live.


I doubt they have any cement and steel reinforced deep underground shelters there.
We don’t really need Hawaii anyway. Originally Posted by PeterBota

Peter who's awesome looking pussy is that in your avatar?

My friend is in Hawaii and called me freaking out, air raid sirens going off.....scared the shit out of her.
Bestman200600's Avatar
Happy needs to stay in Dallas.
CG2014's Avatar
Who pays attention to those sirens?

I've heard the tornado sirens go off here (and not on Wednesday at noon when they test it).

Do I go run into a windowless room in my house and hide? Nope!

Not only do I ignore it, I don't even look out of the window to look at the sky.
pyramider's Avatar
How is this hobby related?
C'mon. It's Emanuelle Goes to Hawaii.
The Climax. ..missles...skyrockets...getti ng blown (up)...explosions....

That's hobby related.
PeterBota's Avatar
Peter who's awesome looking pussy is that in your avatar?

My friend is in Hawaii and called me freaking out, air raid sirens going off.....scared the shit out of her. Originally Posted by Butch Cassidy
Ur my boy. I’m hitting that for s month. Deep Eddy ruby
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
The false ballistic missile warning to Hawaii cause an employee hit the wrong button has had me cracking up for the past 24 hours. Can't even be mad at the guy. I'd brag to my grandchildren about the day I told an entire state they were about to die, I'd hold my finger in the air and say "This is the finger that brought a state to it's knees".

I'll be curious how many sue for PTSD and how many death threats the poor guy or gal receives.
CG2014's Avatar
You are in Hawaii.

It's pretty much paradise.

30 minutes is enough time to go to the nice beach, sit down and just spend the remainder of your life thinking about all the good things you experienced.

You can't get off the island and you can't hide. Why fight it?

If you ask my opinion, it's better that folks don't know a missile is coming so they can die peacefully instead of spending the last minutes of their lives in a panic and chaos.

It will be over in a flash anyway.

Get rid of the sirens.
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
I've been to Hawaii 8 times.

I was there when Tsunami Warning Sirens went off due to an earthquake near Japan. Two small boat docks in Honolulu has a few rough waves that seemed more like boat wakes.

Under Diamon Head Crater is a giant military bunker built around WWII.

One of the Mountains near Honolulu was converted into a giant bunker after WWII to protect the islands fuel supply and/or be converted to a giant bomb shelter.

Shelters are there, concrete bunkers are there.

I agree, it's a paradise, might as wel sit on the beach and wait for the incineration to happen.

If I were to launch a balistic missle, I'd aim it at the active volcanos on The Big Island. Might as well cause those volcanoes to erupt like all Hell was released.
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
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