Thank You Thug4lyfefucyawife

Cherokeechief's Avatar
You do make the Kansas City Board Interesting to say the least.

Your posts are well, I don't know.
Thug4lyfefucyawife's Avatar
Wow is this a for real a genuine compliment? �� well thank you Chief.
" Diplomacy is the art of telling someone to go to hell in such a manner as they look forward to the trip ".
Attributed to Mark Twain.
Chief please dont encourage the boy or girl
Boredinop's Avatar
^^^^^^^ Ditto please don't.
^^^^^^^^ commenting at all is encouragement.
- All Gleets are liars-
Cherokeechief's Avatar
This was a Test and only a Teat of the Thug Information Thread System or to be referred to in the future as TITS.

In case of an Emergency hide the women.
Thug4lyfefucyawife's Avatar
This was a Test and only a Teat of the Thug Information Thread System or to be referred to in the future as TITS.

In case of an Emergency hide the women.
LMAO Originally Posted by Cherokeechief
I didn't know you had jokes in you Chief. I'm impressed.
This was a Test and only a Teat of the Thug Information Thread System or to be referred to in the future as TITS.

In case of an Emergency hide the women.
LMAO Originally Posted by Cherokeechief
Believe me chief, there already hiding on their own rather than join Thug's stable...