Changing LRPD from up down

OK, since LR has had an unreal history of cracking down on providers, seems like it is time for a change. I suggest someone in the hobby run for a city office that can set policy. Don't know if it Mayor or Police Chief or what. But it seems to me that there is more serious crime to be attacked here than prostitution.

Maybe someone can run on a law and order up serious crime...felonies and the like. Make a dent in the FBI crime statistics.

Maybe someone can run with a slogan: "Reducing Crime in LR: Change we Can Believe In."

After all, the incumbents are always blamed for the status quo...for not fixing the things people think need to be fixed. And running against a high crime rate is a no-brainer.
Its based on citizen complaints. If you watch the news they always deal with serious crime and spend most of the time on it. Then citizens complain about teens in the area being loud or whatever and so they go deal with that to shut up the citizens and then go back to real problems. That is why they seem to hit the hobby once or twice a year. That way they can say yeah we did that, we made arrest and shut up the citizens.

The squeaky wheel gets the oil. We just have to wait for it to blow over and be smart. I wish more ladies would stay in neighboring cities just outside of LR like maumelle, bryant, nlr, jacksonville, ect. You get all the same customers with less harassment. Plus it looks a lot better when everyone isnt in the same place.(LR)
Oh no hun, I don't think Charles meant for any of us to actually acknowledge his retardation. It's really not necessary.
Looks like Lily can't make an argument without calling people names. Intelligent. Really.
Yep yep. Oooo, ouch...
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  • BK
  • 03-30-2010, 11:13 PM
I wish more ladies would stay in neighboring cities just outside of LR like maumelle, bryant, nlr, jacksonville, ect. You get all the same customers with less harassment. Plus it looks a lot better when everyone isnt in the same place.(LR) Originally Posted by newguy2001
NLR, J'ville, Bryant maybe, but Maumelle has no places I'm aware of, unless they stay at my place.
Sometimes I feel like I'm in the twilight zone around here.

Where do you guys think we all live/work? I only know of one or two verified ladies who actually live in Little Rock. The rest of us live elsewhere.
Sometimes I feel like I'm in the twilight zone around here. Originally Posted by Blond_Lily
While I appreciate good satire as much as the next, who would want to take a cut in pay for the honorable act of public service at such a low level to have an impact on LRPD? Aside from not living in the proper jurisdiction, I don't believe I could garner enough monetary support on the side to support my pinot grigio and hobby habit.
Sonoman's Avatar
Sometimes I feel like I'm in the twilight zone around here. Originally Posted by Blond_Lily
now that's a hoot. I think I was there my self????
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Sometimes I feel like I'm in the twilight zone around here. Originally Posted by Blond_Lily
now that's a hoot. I think I was there my self???? Originally Posted by Sonoman
If you were there with Lily it was probably well worth the trip.


Sonoman's Avatar
If you were there with Lily it was probably well worth the trip.


bcg Originally Posted by bluffcityguy
yep, and I can speak Some, a little Chinese too.