GAO says that Obama broke the law...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
...when he released the five terrorists without notifying Congress 30 days in advance. Your guy is a criminal just like we said. Not only is he a criminal he is pretty damned stupid to sell out our national security for a headline and a distraction.!
LexusLover's Avatar
...when he released .... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Actually, the headline was that the "Pentagon" broke the law ....

... "the Pentagon" didn't kill OBL .... Obaminable did ... but ....

when the law gets broken ... it's "the Pentagon" that did it ....

But Obaminable "OWNS" it .... he took the victory lap.

But Obaminable "OWNS" it .... he took the victory lap. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Really, did he do a photo-op, errrrrr Press Conference, with a MISSION ACCOMPLISHED banner overhead?

Is that the kind of "victory lap" that you are referring to?
LexusLover's Avatar
Really, did he do a photo-op, errrrrr Press Conference, with a MISSION ACCOMPLISHED banner overhead?

Is that the kind of "victory lap" that you are referring to? Originally Posted by bigtex
Did Bush commit a crime?

Actually, the headline was that the "Pentagon" broke the law ....

If Perry can be indicted for WITHHOLDING authorized funds ... you think Obaminable cannot be indicted for SPENDING UNAUTHORIZED FUNDS .. for an UNLAWFUL PURPOSE .... based on taxpayers' money being held in TRUST.

The "Buck Stops" at YOUR MAN'S DESK.
Did Bush commit a crime? Originally Posted by LexusLover
No, did I say he did?

If so, please provide the link!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
and who is the Commander in Chief of the Pentagon? They cannot act on such a thing without the direction of the boss.

Now comes the question of why did the military follow an unlawful order?
Oh goodie another of those threads.
LexusLover's Avatar
Now comes the question of why did the military follow an unlawful order? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
There is a pissed off Senator from California who will ask that question.

At least once.

And the wimp in chief doesn't "have their back" on it, either!

Hide and watch.
LexusLover's Avatar
Oh goodie another of those threads. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
YOUR MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE ... provides a lot of opportunities ...

doesn't he?

For "another of those threads"!!!!!

Don't "watch" then, if you don't like the truth.
...when he released the five terrorists without notifying Congress 30 days in advance. Your guy is a criminal just like we said. Not only is he a criminal he is pretty damned stupid to sell out our national security for a headline and a distraction.! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Breaking the law is only bad as long as there is a punishment involved.

The President has been using The Constitutional Separation of Powers as toilet paper for most of his term. Nobody is going to do ANYTHING because the 800 pound gorilla in the room is the now large number of idiots, morons, lazy ass pieces of shift that "vote for a living". They would rather follow the Demagogue over the Clift because he tells them that for their vote, he will give them all they need, by taking it from someone else.

This is just more of the " shitification" of the Country. Get used to it.
boardman's Avatar
Perhaps the Travis County DA's office will file charges.
We know Holder won't.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-22-2014, 09:00 AM
Black Jesus can do no right in the minds of some....
YOUR MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE ... provides a lot of opportunities ...

doesn't he?

For "another of those threads"!!!!!

Don't "watch" then, if you don't like the truth. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Same shit different day lexie bitching.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Really, did he do a photo-op, errrrrr Press Conference, with a MISSION ACCOMPLISHED banner overhead?

Is that the kind of "victory lap" that you are referring to? Originally Posted by bigtex
Wow! That is pretty weak Tampon. You having a heavy day?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Did Bush commit a crime?

Actually, the headline was that the "Pentagon" broke the law ....

If Perry can be indicted for WITHHOLDING authorized funds ... you think Obaminable cannot be indicted for SPENDING UNAUTHORIZED FUNDS .. for an UNLAWFUL PURPOSE .... based on taxpayers' money being held in TRUST.

The "Buck Stops" at YOUR MAN'S DESK. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You are correct, hopefully they will appoint a special prosecutor.