Unfortunately more REPUBLICAN government intrusion into our lives

What I find absolutely hilarious is they're trying to throw this no name democrat fella from Hawaii in the mix to claim bi-partisan when this is really all driven by Republicans and led by the vocal guy religious right guy from Utah Jason Chaffetz.He's a true religious wing-nut and has been since he was elected by the religious right from Utah. More big government intrusion.

Online gambling the target of new legislation

Internet gambling would be criminalized under new bipartisan legislation in the House.
Reps. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) and Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) this week reintroduced the Restoration of America’s Wire Act.

The bill would target all forms of online gambling by reversing a controversial ruling from the Department of Justice.

“In yet another example of executive branch overreach, the DOJ crossed the line by making what amounts to a massive policy change without debate or input from the people or their representatives,” Chaffetz said in a statement.

“If there is justification and support for a change, the Constitution designates Congress as the body to debate that change and set that policy,” he added.

But proponents of online gambling say this is a ploy by casinos to lock down the competition from up-and-coming websites.
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Like Drugs and Alcohol Gambling fucks up a lot of people's lives. Online Gambling isn't really needed nor is it important. Further more not everybody participates in online gambling or depends on it in any sort of way, so how does the criminalization of online gambling become a Government intrusion? Besides in most jurisdictions Gambling has always been illegal, why should online gambling be any different.

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
What I find absolutely hilarious is they're trying to throw this no name democrat fella from Hawaii in the mix to claim bi-partisan when this is really all driven by Republicans and led by the vocal guy religious right guy from Utah Jason Chaffetz.He's a true religious wing-nut and has been since he was elected by the religious right from Utah. More big government intrusion.

Online gambling the target of new legislation

Read more at source Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
I agree - lots of Mormons run the casinos in Vegas, and they don't want the competition online.
Nothing more, nothing less....shit Zany, I've agreed with you two in a row!!
if the government didn't bail out everyone who made bad choices then ok, but we bail out every excuse in the book except being white or ok Asian

so instead of railing against this, lets back up and rail against more basic issues, first things first

but still id rather have individual states make their own decisions so a federal prohibition that allows states to control gambling within their own borders is ok by me
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
if the government didn't bail out everyone who made bad choices then ok, but we bail out every excuse in the book except being white or ok asian

but still id rather have individual states make their own decisions so a federal prohibition that allows states to control gambling within their own borders is ok by me Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Amen to state's rights!
but i think this may very well be a put up by the major brick and mortar casinos
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How do states' rights apply to interstate and Internet commerce?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Once again the government must step in to protect us from ourselves even though we do not want that protection.
As my new found friend Ali states, it is all about the money and who gets to control it.
Fucking sheeple.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
How do states' rights apply to interstate and Internet commerce? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The states seek to regulate gambling originating in their state.
I agree - lots of Mormons run the casinos in Vegas, and they don't want the competition online.
Nothing more, nothing less....shit Zany, I've agreed with you two in a row!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Ever heard of Wendover Nevada?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What I find absolutely hilarious is they're trying to throw this no name democrat fella from Hawaii in the mix to claim bi-partisan when this is really all driven by Republicans and led by the vocal guy religious right guy from Utah Jason Chaffetz.He's a true religious wing-nut and has been since he was elected by the religious right from Utah. More big government intrusion.

Online gambling the target of new legislation

Read more at source Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
This "guy" from Hawaii is a woman, a veteran, and the best looking democrat out there moron. As for the legislation, tax laws begin in the Congress and this is about taxes for one thing and we already regulate gambling in every state in the country. So where is this NEW intrusion? I also fail to see where your fear of religion has anything to do with this secular legislation. Are we to accept at full face value your judgement of Representative Chaffetz? Frankly, you're a loon Stanza.

Don't worry Stanza, she's not a christian, she's Hindu.