There’s a MAJOR political fraud underway

Interesting comments on the OUTRIGHT lies of the republican small government mantra. yes I chopped this one up real good. ;-) but it's all SPOT ON!!!!

There’s a major political fraud underway: the GOP is once again donning their libertarian, limited-government masks in order to re-invent itself. The Party that spat contempt at Ron Paul during the Bush years and was diametrically opposed to most of his platform now pretends to share his views. The Republicans aided by the media are pretending that this is one unified, harmonious, “small government” political movement.

The Right is petrified that this fraud will be exposed and is thus bending over backwards to sustain the myth. Glenn Beck — who literally cheered for the Wall Street bailout and Bush’s endlessly expanding surveillance state — now parades around as though he shares the libertarians’ contempt for them....all while lauding a GOP Congress that supported countless intrusive laws — from federalized restrictions on assisted suicide, marriage, gambling, abortion and drugs to intervention in Terri Schiavo’s end-of-life state court proceeding — nowhere to be found in that Constitutional clause.

With the GOP out of power, Fox News suddenly started featuring anti-government libertarians such as John Stossel and Reason Magazine commentators, whereas, when Bush was in power, there was no government power too expanded or limitless for Fox propagandists to praise.

This is what Republicans always do. When in power, they massively expand the power of the state in every realm. Deficit spending and the national debt skyrocket. The National Security State is bloated beyond description through wars and occupations, while no limits are tolerated on the Surveillance State. Then, when out of power, they suddenly pretend to re-discover their “small government principles.”

Right-wing mavens like Ann Coulter, Sarah Palin and National Review are suddenly feigning great respect for Ron Paul and like-minded activists because they’re eager that the sham will be maintained: the blatant sham that the modern GOP and its movement conservatives are a coherent vehicle for those who believe in small government principles.

That’s the dirty secret which right-wing polemicists are desperately trying to keep suppressed.

Part of why this fraud has been sustainable thus far is that libertarians — like everyone who doesn’t view all politics through the mandated, distorting, suffocating Democrat v. GOP prism — are typically dismissed as loons and nuts, and are thus eager for any means of achieving mainstream acceptance. Having the GOP embrace them is one way to achieve that.

The GOP limited government rhetoric is simply never matched by that Party’s conduct, especially when they wield power. The very idea that a political party dominated by neocons, warmongers, surveillance fetishists, and privacy-hating social conservatives will be a party of “limited government” is absurd on its face.

There literally is no myth more transparent than the Republican Party’s claim to believe in restrained government power. For that reason, it’s only a matter of time before the fundamental incompatibility of the “tea party movement” and the political party cynically exploiting it is exposed.
For full details read more @ the source
how state of New York stole CJOHNNY54 money blame him for cause of the hurricane? The FBI knows about this cause cjohnny54 have called them concerning this "remember AS WELL FBI lady". If he created the HURRICANE he should create one everyday for the thief of his money.

Listen to the lyric in eminem monster rihanna. INVOLVE certain member in the defense department and thier violation of UNITED STATE CITIZEN HUMAN RIGHT on US homeland.
how state of New York stole CJOHNNY54 money blame him for cause of the hurricane? The FBI knows about this cause cjohnny54 have called them concerning this "remember AS WELL FBI lady". If he created the HURRICANE he should create one everyday for the thief of his money.

Listen to the lyric in eminem monster rihanna. INVOLVE certain member in the defense department and thier violation of UNITED STATE CITIZEN HUMAN RIGHT on US homeland. Originally Posted by CauseEffect

What the fuck!!! Speak english "got" dammit - lol
ANIMAL song featuring J - cole .... SOULMANIKE what was that you posted " COWBOY and the IRS

not BILLION but TRILLIONS into the US economy .... WITHOUT getting into detail on HOW this was done ....

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Is this another one of those "I work from home and make a million dollars a year." threads.
Maybe he is the black Rachel Maddow?
Is this another one of those "I work from home and make a million dollars a year." threads. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Getting hit with facts like my OP hurts doesnt it? I knew when I posted it you fellas wouldn't have an answer.

Truth is like it rain it doesnt give a shit who it falls on.
Political parties evolve over time. What's your point?

It wasn't that long ago when Democrats were keeping segration alive and well in the south.

All your dumbass ranting does is continue to prove how divisive and ill-informed you truly are.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar

Notice how I didn't get hit with one single "fact". That's me in the white and Brian Williams is waiting outside to drive me away.
Interesting comments on the OUTRIGHT lies of the republican small government mantra. yes I chopped this one up real good. ;-) but it's all SPOT ON!!!!

For full details read more @ the source Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Makes no sense, except to a brain washed Ozombie... congratulations Rabiznaz
A Salon article? Spare me.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
C'mon. We can see it even now. The Republicans ran in 2014 opposing Obamacare, amnesty, overspending, etc. The minute they were sworn in it became business as usual. I hate to admit it, but InZany's article is totally accurate. The Republicans won by fraud, and should be recalled.
C'mon. We can see it even now. The Republicans ran in 2014 opposing Obamacare, amnesty, overspending, etc. The minute they were sworn in it became business as usual. I hate to admit it, but InZany's article is totally accurate. The Republicans won by fraud, and should be recalled. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
They have no problem throwing away $3 Billion in Iraq, over absolute bullshit, but can't be bothered to fund the healthcare for the veterans they sent over there. That's some shady shit. Obamacare is working and that burns them up to no end. They don't have a competing plan. If you ask them they will trot out the same tired old bullshit about tort reform, buying across state lines and other horseshit. It's pathetic. They have become anti-liberal and in the process they've lost any kind of core message. Their knee-jerk reaction is to be against whatever the democrats are for, regardless of whether it's a good idea or not. What the fuck is that about. They fight like hell to keep people from aborting babies. Once those babies are out and starving, they don't give two fucks. It's hypocrisy at every turn.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I don't like Democrats either. The only solution is to never elect another Democrat or Republican.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Okay, some of the Tea Party people are still on point. So vote for them.