Modern Day Train Robberies......Rampaging Teens Rob BART

So, 50 or so "kids" commandeer a BART train car, rob all of the passengers, and make off before any cops can respond.

And BART officials cannot release video tape because these perpetrators might be under age.

Nowhere in the article is there any type of physical description of these marauding thugs. Any guesses why?
  • DSK
  • 04-25-2017, 06:15 AM

So, 50 or so "kids" commandeer a BART train car, rob all of the passengers, and make off before any cops can respond.

And BART officials cannot release video tape because these perpetrators might be under age.

Nowhere in the article is there any type of physical description of these marauding thugs. Any guesses why? Originally Posted by Jackie S
I'm betting it is because they are a bunch of [prohibited word]s.

So, 50 or so "kids" commandeer a BART train car, rob all of the passengers, and make off before any cops can respond.

And BART officials cannot release video tape because these perpetrators might be under age.

Nowhere in the article is there any type of physical description of these marauding thugs. Any guesses why? Originally Posted by Jackie S
Mebbe dey be of da Dindu Nuffin tribe !? ! More of odummer's " sons " ?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
prolly teen illegals running amok. this is california. sancturary state.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I would assume that they had weapons which should make it an adult crime no matter the actual age. This is the change (and they will blow it) for the authorities to hit hard quickly but they won't. They'll dither about social issues until someone is really seriously injured.
LexusLover's Avatar
I would assume that they had weapons which should make it an adult crime no matter the actual age. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I'm almost reluctant to post in this thread .... but I doubt that is accurate.
Bernie Goetz where are you?

Yeah, like they can't release CO2 data because somebody's HIPAA rights might be infringed.

Bullshit. Govt run amok.
Fake cameras and fake reporters.

For a more objective take on that night's happenings, check this:
  • DSK
  • 04-25-2017, 03:58 PM
Honestly, the weather is so great in San Francisco, and the views so spectacular, I can see how you could overlook the disaffected urban youths occasionally robbing the train. When Butch and Sundance did it, it was fun to watch, anyway.

Rich white liberals do not ride the train, they live in San Fran and not Oakland, take Uber, and couldn't give a shit about poor people who cannot afford a million dollar condo of about 1000 square feet.

Besides, let's face the facts: Black folks rob each other most of the time, anyway, and kill each other more than the Klan ever could hope to get away with in this day and age, and maybe even before the 1950's.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Besides, let's face the facts: Black folks rob each other most of the time, anyway, and kill each other more than the Klan ever could hope to get away with in this day and age, and maybe even before the 1950's. Originally Posted by DSK
black deaths before 1930 (before they finally banned lynching) was something in the neighborhood of 5,000 deaths. the figure may not be right. it is a guess from memory on an article (I think it was a series) about lynching that I read in the newspaper.
Fake cameras and fake reporters.

For a more objective take on that night's happenings, check this: Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
Naturally, it's Whitey's fault.

And the biggest Whitey of them all, President Trump.

Just think, in 100 days he managed to destroy the entire social structure of Oakland.

Fukin' morons.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
BART = Bay Area Rampaging Thugs!!