Tactful way to ask about service levels?

For instance, what's the best way to ask if a massage provider is open to L1, L2, L3, etc? Sorry if this has been covered before, but I failed to turn up anything with searches.
gameloading's Avatar
read between the lines of her ad
bigmarv's Avatar
If the lady doesn't have a website advertising service levels, I find it best to follow the massage providers lead. Being a good, respectful, repeat customer tends to open up other levels of quality service. But as always YMMV.
read between the lines of her ad Originally Posted by gameloading
Be careful in your translation, some lines are very fine.

Research reviews. That will pretty much tell you.

rex4998's Avatar
For instance, what's the best way to ask if a massage provider is open to L1, L2, L3, etc? Sorry if this has been covered before, but I failed to turn up anything with searches. Originally Posted by ralphmalph
"excuse me ma'am, but do you mind if I slip my erectus parapenislus into your FUCKING MEAT CURTAINS!?!?!"

wait. damnit. that didn't flow well. let me get back to you on that