Update, apologies and GOLDEN GODDESS

To all the members of ECCIE,

I recently introduced ECCIE to a Co-worker of mine. Although I did NOT give him my handle information, I did in fact let him sit in with me at lunch and during conference calls and read the ROS section of reviews. I left town on Tuesday morning and just arrived back home this morning. When I logged into ECCIE, I noticed several read PM's and a thread started by my handle. After reading the thread that was placed in the "Other" section I felt like I should stand up and apologize for what was written, said to other members, dancers and generally about the FR club.

Last Monday I DID go to FR and had a good conversation with a DANCER that had a wrist bandage on her arm. I am not sure if her name was Pinkie or Dakota, but she was an older Dancer with a very large set. She and I went into the cage (which I have always known was free) and she provided me with some very nice lap dances. Her only rule was nothing below the waist. I asked her if extras were available and she said no, she did inform me that some girls in the club did play but she was not one of them. After 3 dances I left the club to meet up with some friends. I told the Dancer that I would be back with co-workers but after showering and meeting at my apartment I informed them that FR seemed to be dead and maybe a waste of time as the girls were more interested in sitting at the bar or talking amongst themselves. This same co-worker informed me that he knew of the dancer with the brace (I cant recall if she is dakota or pinkie) and that she always leads him on. He doesnt like Fantasy Ranch because the last time he was there a dancer by the name of B**** convinced him to go to VIP and during the bbbj she said cim was .40 more. He also said management and other dancers were rude to him etc. (Hey to each there own, but I happen to like the club). As far as the SW incident, he did go troll the streets of FW after our night at Golden Goddess of S. FRWY, but more to come on that later.

I want to apologize to Bubba because he was at the forefront of being attacked by my co worker. I also want to apologize to all of the members that had to read such a BS filled thread. I was a member on ASPD and now here at ECCIE and I have always done my best to stay out of issues and to post honest, well balanced and informative reviews. I admit that I was careless in the fact that I left my laptop in my office which made obtaining my PW to eccie easily accessible. I also apologize for letting a non registered user look at information that is only for the eyes of registered and verified members. What ever actions that come my way, I fully take and will learn from them.

Bubba, once again I apologize to you and would love to buy you a few beers at FR the next time I am headed that way.

FR - Is a club that I enjoy and I actually prefer. I have been to BDFW and coudn't stand the management at that place, or the dancers that just wont leave you alone. FR is safe, management is always welcoming and most of the time the dancers are "playful" and entertaining. I did strike out on my last experience to FR however the dancer giving me dances was honest, kind and not once did she lead me on. FR and then Bubba were targeted by someone who thought that these boards could actually do harm to a club and he didn't expect the backlash. However, it is clearly my fault and I accept responsibility for his actions and words.

Golden Goddess - The reason my co workers were taking me out is because I had a bad run in with my fiance and we ended things. Admittedly I was in the dumps and my co workers (non of whom are familiar with this board) said they would get me lap dances. I told them about FR and then extras and decided we would go there. Half way through my day Monday I decided I needed out of work and my boss handed me $200.00 and said to go relax and drink a beer. Knowing that I would be at FR in the evening, I went to relax a little early. After striking out and deciding that our time could be better spent that night, a buddy recommended golden goddess on s. 35. we stopped at BT cabaret and although they have some hotties in that place, there is no VIP and the damn bouncer will actually stand near the room where the dancers take you and look right in on the dances. We basically went there to get good and hard and then head to GG. Once we arrived at GG we were stunned to see that you had to pay a $50 entry fee to get into the room. Then they have levels ranging from $100 - 150 - 200. so anyway you cut it your looking at a minimum of 150.00. When the "entertainer" came into my private room she told me the different levels of service and would just gesture what you would get with each level. I was a little intoxicated and sitting there naked from the waste below I told her I wanted a BJ by making the motion with my hand and mouth. She said that would be 150.00. I paid the money, she left to give it to the frint desk lady and came back in. The entertainer was in her early 40's but had a great body. She got fully naked and oiled herself up and slid my dick all around her body. She asked if I was ready and began doing a russian. I asked for the bj and she said she doesn't do that. I questioned her about what she said and she denied agreeing to it. She did let me COT and some digits. I had 20 minutes left and she said no multiple were allowed. So I payed 200 for a 10 minute L1 COT. Some of my co workers had some better luck but in general this place sucks (not literally), stay away from it.

Once again I am sorry for my carelessness and the actions of my co worker. Bubba, please take me up on the free beers. I owe them to you.
Yes, it was Dakota that was mentioned in the thread. The girl just does not play in the clubs but is a very sweet person. She was VERY upset so be carefull if you see her next time you go in. :-). A number of other members who know her did PM me as well about the thread. They all know she does not play and that the post was BS.

As I see no reason to not believe you as to what happened, then its water under the bridge. No problem.

Was he with you that day in the club?
No matter which of you has access to your handle at the time, both you & your "co-worker" need to learn how to use the PRIVATE button. Remarkable coincidence that you both made the same mistake.

Just remarkable.

Alex - There's no way to even describe these ladies other than Garbage pail kids lol. I think FR is a good place to hang out and eventually I will be back. The bartender is a sweetheart, the managers are present but not in your business and the club doesn't get packed. In no way do I want FR to lose business or want my post to be a reflection on anyone that runs the place (except for some of the girls working, GPK) When I think back on it I am sure that the Mexican was outside because management doesn't stand for that crap. I have never had a single problem at that place. Managers can't control what happens outside the club, there responsibility is in the club and like I said, the club atmosphere has never been a problem to me. Hopefully this is an isolated incident. I will say that the club attracts some real tools and fantasy world customers so stick by yourself when your there. You don't want one of these tools rubbing off on you and you and who wants to be associated with a pathetic asshole? Originally Posted by SOUTHERNPRIDE
Bubba, Seriously, please PM me the next time you head to the club. I will make sure your drinks and Dakota's are completely on me. If you see her before I do, please let her know of my post here and of my apologies directly to her.
Admittedly I do not use the Private button at all. I am guessing that all of the info should be placed in between the symbols. I will make sure that it used correctly in the future.
I am OK. I would suggest you buy drinks for all the ladies insulted in the orginal post.

Again, I was wondering if your friend was with you that day or were you by yourself?
Sleepy363's Avatar
Thanks SA. I still would like to know if Southernpride was alone or with his friend. Dakota told me today the correct answer to this very simple question.

Bubba, my co worker was not with me. He lives in the mid cities and has been to the club before. He, my co workers and myself were supposed to all go to FR, I left work early and went for a few hours by myself. Although my boss was funding the night and ok with activities, I wasn't sure if I would go through with activities with him there and wanted to play before we all went out. I will indeed make sure that the next time I am in the club that Dakota is more than taken care of with drinks and with a few bens.

Still-asleep, my co worker is a lurker and has read many of my reviews on here and the old ASPD as well as read plenty of other reviews and ROS through my handle. It doesn't take an engineer long to figure out acronyms and the language of the board. He got access because I left my lap top up and running at the office on Monday when I abruptly left. He and I share an office and he decided to jump on with the intent to log into eccie. We do not use work computers to log into personal accounts because our activity is monitored by our IT department, so bringing a laptop for personal use at lunch or for quick email checks throughout the day is not abnormal at my job. He jumped on mine Tuesday and went through my email account for my password (he already had my handle). I am not sure what his rationale was for doing something like this and I am finding out through out the day that he posted ignorant messages on my facebook, to my ex fiance and to a few other friends. Like I said in my previous posts, I am owning up for the mistakes made by me and for his actions. This isn't a situation I can bring to my boss because of obvious reasons. He is not a friend and really never was. We at best were acquaintances who because of extensive travel at work, like to play in the hobby. He was originally a backpage guy and got me started in TX with backpage. A woman I saw off of backpage asked me to do an ASPD review. That is how I learned of ASPD, and ECCIE through ASPD shutting down. I introduced him to aspd and eccie and although he has seen providers on both, he still lurks. He is convinced that ECCIE will eventually be seized and email addresses will be given to the authorities. (those are his thoughts, not mine). I enjoy eccie, the members and the providers. I felt it was necessary to step up and clear the air, rather than let this just fade away. I plan on attending FR again and enjoy the club.

Although I have ZERO personal interest in anyone on the board, I do recognize that ECCIE has made this hobby safe for me directly because of members and there credible reviews and guidance. Although there are plenty of clubs in my area to "play" in, I also felt it was necessary to make sure that the comments made about FR and Dakota were completely disregarded. Dakota is an employee of the club and I am guessing her lively hood depends on the club and I wouldn't want a fellow engineer to relay complete false information about me that could ultimately affect my job. I hope this answers your question.

Just so you know, I was responding to your question before you replied to SA. I hope my answer aligns with D's
OK, Thanks for your answer. I have this to say then I won't be talking about this anymore.

Your "friend" described exactly who was there, how they were dressed, and what they were doing. Exactly. Only someone who was there at the time could have described so perfectly what was going on. The fat white girl eating, the 3 business men at a table, the dancer dressed like holloween, etc. Its too perfect and accurate of the people and activities.

I appriciate, for what ever reason, you are trying to appoligize. However, your story just does not add up. If you had simply said you were embarresed at getting caught making up a story and reacted poorly, I would be the first to say, "OK, no problem, we all get carried away sometimes". Instead, you decided to continue to lie to us.

I am sorry, but please understand if I don't take you up on your drink offer. No ill feelings on my part. Just think about things next time.

I alos reccomend you get this thread closed ASAP and drop the subject. Everyone will forget all about it as soon as someone else starts some drama. Which will not take long
motocrossman39's Avatar
If you are letting co workers use your handle and computer then its a safe bet that you let your providers as well.
I'm telling Dad!!!!
motocrossman39's Avatar
I'm telling Dad!!!! Originally Posted by cpi3000

cowboyesfan's Avatar
What about the thumb??