Coming Home for Christmas...FOR REAL THIS TIME (lol)

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As some know, I had some health issues a few months back and have put off several tours to several cities in Texas.....

I am feeling better than I have felt in a very long time and things have fallen in to place gradually so I wanted to to come out the day after Christmas and make the "CIRCLE OF WEST TEXAS" yet again....

I am going to be having some enhancement surgery to add to my figure soon and am changing up my appearance I invite all to stay informed

I will be looking forward to this visit as its been a while and West Texas is my home so this Tour WILL NOT BE CANCELLED.

Cities I will only book for will start from AMARILLO, LUBBOCK, MILDLAND...then returning back up to Amarillo beginning the 26th thru the 31st of December

Yours Truly.....