Access to posted reviews

Couldn't find anything on the website that could answer my questions so I figured I'd asked the informed community for information. Is there limits to access that a provider has that another premium access member has? I hadn't known that a ROS section existed in reviews until I became premium and I hadn't known that comments could be made private until someone made an error. So my question is this, does a provider have access to ROS section in a review? How about private comments?
playerplano's Avatar
The short answer is no providers are not supposed to be able to see private areas, private comments or ROS.

The reality is very different LOL. Assume everyone in the world can see what you write. Providers get Mandles ( male handles ) or some guys (white knights) share private areas information with their favorites. Private messages are better but if someone chooses to share then even that isn't 100%.

There are rules and consequences for inappropriate access people can get banned long time or short depending on the offense. If you think a provider has ROS access just forward any proof to a Moderator.

As long as you are learning new things there are areas men can't see like the Powder room and private groups that are invitation only. Boom blew your mind right ?