Troll "Tiger Blood" writing fake reviews

Jules Jaguar's Avatar
So late Tuesday night I received a PM from the handle Tiger Blood stating they would like to hook up and asking if I am on birth control (the 3rd troll pm this week alone) I give my standard "fuck off troll" response and go on about my business. Usually trolls just try to get a rise out of you and cause chaos so I dont pay much attention to them.

Well this evening I notice the same troll "Tiger Blood" has written a FAKE REVIEW of me! I have never seen said troll and never will. I have not seen anyone other than regular clients this month. Also I have not had an incall off of Beltline since August. Several respected people in the community know where I currently reside and its no where near beltline. Also I am not of mixed race.

I know its not a huge deal but I do not want anyone thinking this actually took place or that I would ever see anyone with his posting style nor do i want any misinformation out there regarding services I do not provide or rates that are no longer correct. I would like this review to be deleted and my photo to be removed from it.

Tiger Blood thanks for the YES but Ive earned all of my reviews the old fashioned way and unlike some others here I do not need or want fake reviews.
Girl I got the same email yesterday morning... God ... why the hell do they do that. I'm sorry Jules... I know you.. and many many more do.. and all respect you girl. WE KNOW HOW YOU ARE. And I know you wouldn't do that.. so Come on mods... cancel his ass. This whole crap of these guys coming out... is getting way out of control. Isn't there something we can do to ban anyone asking for this service? Seriously. Its so dangerous.

Anyways, Jules. Thanks for posting. Will only help other's that he will do this to .. to have a more credible story of a fake review.

God guys... get a damn life. Cover your crap up.
Hobby safe.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Still havent heard anything regarding getting the fake review removed or this guy being banned.. luckly some nice guys commented on it that it is a fake so anyone reading it does not get any bright ideas.

Amber is right this crap is getting out of control and something needs to be done soon.
Guest032213's Avatar
amen my ladies!!! when someone gives a bad review they should be outa here, well , fake review, not bad! oopps need more coffee! BUT us providers know how these lame MOFO'S are , i dont see just any one, and man the men that do this should be ... well i might just get EDITED if i spoke that thought, LOL~ LADIES STAY SAFE BABES! LEXUS--
berkleigh's Avatar
Girl - I was about to ask you about that!

He PM'ed me too.

I hit the RTM button AS USUAL because of him asking such bullshit!

He proceeded to tell me in a PM that because of my shitty attitude I was going to run into someone who would slap me upside my head.

Anyone who knows me, knows I have a backbone and will stand up for myself.

No one speaks to me or any other lady in the manner he did.

These punks crack me up thinking they can challenge someone like myself or speak to another woman with such disrespect.


pmdelites's Avatar
my suggestions.
1. do not respond to any trolling-like msgs, emails, calls, etc. not even a "fuck off troll". that's exactly what they want - you wasting your time on them. if not a pvt msg, just delete it and block their email address.
2. report any pvt msgs to the mods [using report post].
3. report any bogus reviews to the mods [using report post].
4. keep on being the fabulous women you are.

in short, dont give them what they are after - publicity.
Absolutely right PMD.... It's so hard not to respond.. but you are correct. We need to just report and move on. I commend Jules tho for coming forward... and doing the warning.

Amber Rain
Okay so from what I've gathered (reading his other posts) he must've just gotten laid off from Walmart (where he was making less than minimum wage).

damn troll
Torito's Avatar
I agree that he probably has been laid off, and not laid recently.

His posts are BS and he is banned until the next incarnation.

Feeding trolls tends to encourage them. Good night troll.
