Fake Review- Newb2010

I recently received a review by someone that I know for a fact that I have never met with. It first confused me because I haven't really been seeing many clients at all in Dallas this last month because I have been dealing with a kidney infection on and off for the last few months, and everyone I have seen has either been a regular or a couple who have repeated visits in the same week.

Then I decided to try and figure out who it was by pulling up my online schedule and I now know without a doubt that I never met with this guy because I only had a couple of appts in Dallas in the month of September and they were all with guys I have seen multiple times. I'm not sure what the point of this review is, whether its a way to deliberately try to hurt me or if its just someone posting fake reviews for other reasons...but the mods need to look into this because there's no doubt in my mind that its a fake review.
LazurusLong's Avatar
Best bet and action to take is to hit the RTM button and explain that in the field that you fill out.

Could be someone you have seen before who may just be looking to backstop a new backup handle in case the one they are using has accumulated points or it could be someone who is already banned but figures to earn PA credit enough to find more reviews to copy.

either way, the RTM button is your friend here.
Report it to the Mods.
Too bad...
Sorry this guy is trying to hurt you. I've never met you, but you look pretty fine!
pyramider's Avatar
So how were you reviewed? If it was glowing just go with it and get the guy to pay your fee. WHY pay the fee? Because you were gggoooooddddddddddddddd.