Not another BBFS thread... This one is different.

Boltfan's Avatar
First off, I think this thread can be done in an informative way without the mindless trashing of opinions. I know, I know, there will be some who have to troll but they can be ignored.

That being said, why is this offer so bad?

Ashley Cummz works as an adult film model. In my chats with her she is fully aware of what is needed for testing in her films and requires the same of clients who wish to partake in this service.

IMO, this is safer than the ladies out there offering BBBJ, DATY, SS, etc. without requiring the same tests. There is still saliva and genital contact and while not nearly as risky as BBFS when you factor in current tests the risk is minimized significantly. I am in the camp where it is within my tolerated risk for me to receive BBBJ and give DATY but I am also of the mindset it is within my risk tolerance to engage in BBFS with someone who is PROVEN to be routinely tested. It doesn't happen often (hasn't within the last 11 years or so) that I engage in the act with a provider of some type and I don't know when I would in the future considering the pricing structure of the ladies who do legitimately offer this service.

While I know we talk about how important testing is the folks who routinely participate in BBFS without monthly testing and who do not require it of their clients should not be lumped in with providers like Ashley Cummz and other ladies who use adult industry standard testing AND always require it of their clients who wish to participate. I believe we are being intellectually dishonest if we are unwilling to acknowledge the difference. You don't have to agree, and if you don't please feel free to discuss.
  • hd
  • 11-07-2011, 12:26 PM
First: Ashley's rate is out of sight for what I would willingly hand over, even though she is in film, and even if that reflects BBFS with her. Just my opinion.

I've never done BBFS except with my SO and also back as a teenager many years ago prior to marriage. I would love to find a provider, of my choice, that would do this with proof of a clean history, both of us.

But I don't know how much over and above it would be worth, if at all. Myself, I'll hobby usually once every six weeks to keep my PA with a review. So doing an STD test would be good for about six weeks. I assume std's could be passed on in the normal routine of having covered intercourse, so a provider stands a higher risk of contracting something since she is no doubt more active than I would be in a six week period? So timing is utmost important as far as she is concerned since she will see many more clients than I will see providers in a given time.

I would love to have a BBFS session, safely, if everything fell into place, but it is a big risk and not sure I'm willing to take more of a chance that I'm taking now?

But I don't know how much over and above it would be worth, if at all. Myself, I'll hobby usually once every six weeks to keep my PA with a review. So doing an STD test would be good for about six weeks. I assume std's could be passed on in the normal routine of having covered intercourse, so a provider stands a higher risk of contracting something since she is no doubt more active than I would be in a six week period? So timing is utmost important as far as she is concerned since she will see many more clients than I will see providers in a given time.
Originally Posted by hd
tested on day one of the month, bbfs all month and somewhere in there was a "hot" load, then you bang her on day 30, she gets tested on day one of next month (positive) and you see how that monthly testing is of NO use to YOU, just the guys who were PRIOR to the infected one. I was also under the impression that adult stars usually did a rapid test before each film so it was REALLY up to date. Does she test before each customer when seeing several johns a day? Not likely, even if she tested weekly, that would still leave room for a tainted half-pint of throat yogurt to sneak in.

Dont quote me on this (im sure its on the CDC website for exact numbers) but doesnt hiv also have the possibility of not showing in a test for months after exposure and still be infectious?

I know CNN did an article not too long ago where HIV-2 strain was on the rise in the US, and currently testing is only done for HIV-1 strain in most situations unless you specifically ask (and pay dearly) for it. Until recently it was almost unheard of to find strain 2 outside of africa.

HIV is NOT worth the risk that BBFS poses, but like you said, a bbbj is within my calculated risks based on what I have read from reliable sources about transmission from daty and bbbj. At the end of the day, this whole hobby is a risk - and I am ok with that. I just dont put my whole bankroll on 7 red when the last guy just spun 7 red...
Boltfan's Avatar
Good post.

PCR-DNA testing is reliable for detecting HIV and is the industry standard for adult performers. Couldn't answer your question for HIV-2 but is certainly worth reading.

Guest091314's Avatar
"Does she test before each customer when seeing several johns a day?"

At 900/hr, how likely is it she is seeing several johns a day?

its funny to me how everyone thinks we screw 7+ people a day LOL!

I do think that this is a legitimate post...kudos bolt you get a cookie! If she wishes to pursue those services then by all means go for it at least she is smart enough to test regularly and charge enough to compensate.

In no means am I attacking anyone in this a neutral kinda gal.
  • hd
  • 11-07-2011, 01:38 PM
I can't speak for 213674, but several a day could be 2, 3 maybe more, who knows. And how many she see's is not my bussiness as long as she is clean, fresh, and attitude as if she's happy to see me. But if you do this to earn a living, you have a limit you have to meet each month. But of course the more you see, the higher risk you have.

Let me bring up this point about using covers, of course they help stop passing on std's, but also pregnancy. I would assume most providers are doing some sort of birth control? I don't know how often condoms break or a client tries to fool you? Many guys like myself are older, and in my case am diabetic, so having sensitive nerve receptacles isn't happening anymore, and with a condom over it, there is even less sensitivity. I have on a few occasions had her do a HJ to finish me since it's skin on skin. That's why in the past I had asked about that vaginal condom.

So back to my earlier post,
I would love to have a BBFS session, safely, if everything fell into place
I am not against BB...sure beats the hell out of those choking condoms. But, it's still a risk for both of you. Say she shows you her clean bill of health from a Monday doctor appmt., you see her Thursday but she's seen 3 guys that barebacked her Tuesday and Wednesday...don't y'all think it's a bit of a crap shoot, even with all the tests? When do you know for sure? When both you and her get tested after EVERY encounter seems to be the only answer. Technology should improve to the point where you get results immediately, like a pregnancy test soon.
Boltfan's Avatar
Since the anus on the guys to get tested to see her, perhaps them showing a more recent test is helpful in determining the risk factors. For example, if she requires a test results dated within one week that certainly is useful information. If she only requires it within a month that certainly increases the risks involved.

Thanks for the great responses so far. I think this conversation is certainly worth having.

And yes, I am a P1 there. :-)
I have a question for HER then. How recent does the test paper have to be. If he left doctor's office last Tuesday and it's the following MONDAY that he is wanting session... that is 6 days for him to have seen two or three civie girls BB or another provider BB that doesn't require such testing. So, with that being said, what is she requiring? Either way, this "JOB" isn't worth my life and leaving my family without a mother. I know personally, that I will NEVER do BB with a Hobbyist from here or anywhere I meet. I wouldnt do BB with someone that I met at a club while out one night, so why would I risk my life for this as well?

When it boils down to it... BB is irresponsible and not worth it on either's part. I would feel horrible for a hobbyist's innocent wife having to find out she has gotten something from her husband when for 20 years she has been faithful to him. It's not her fault that he wants to play. Maybe she isn't the wife that he wants sexually anymore... if not, then leave. If you're gonna play around without the intention of divorcing, strap it up. It's not worth it to cause her pain because YOU wanna play around. If you're gonna hobby... hobby smarter... no "harder".

Play safe. Aids doesnt' always show up immediately and anyone thinking that a little piece of paper showing a negative result THIS month... doesn't mean that it wont' show up NEXT just being naive. Then what?

Try "splainin that one, Lucy!"

Replicant's Avatar
If she truly requires a recent test(within 30 days, I would suspect), this is really no different than the COUNTLESS providers on here who either moonlight, or work full time in the porn industry. She has experience in this industry so hopefully she is having clients adhere to the same standards as she is accustomed to. Obviously, still far from risk free, but off to a better start than your average drunk girl at a bar.
Boltfan's Avatar
While Ashely Cummz was the example, she is not involved in this discussion so I am unsure if she will respond. I would be curious how recent of a test she requires as well.

Now, that being said, what is the mentality of a guy who is both willing to be tested and has the money to afford typical porn star rates? Is he such that he would be willing to get tested only to bareback a bunch of chicks that weren't tested before the "prize" of the appointment next week?

If someone can afford said appointment they typically are successful in their business life. Are they willing to jeopardize their health and ability to work successfully if they also are so reckless in their sex life? I would be willing to bet providers such as this price themselves accordingly to weed out those not as interested in healthy interactions.

Amber, your points are very valid but testing is light years ahead of where it was in the past, especially with HIV. While I would never attempt to coerce anyone into BBFS, and that is not what this thread is about, many here that are "risk averse" to BBFS take much worse gambles every day in other aspects of their sex lives.

The questions raised by others about how often, etc. are very important to this discussion. If any ladies who wish to offer this service adhere to strict adult film industry standards I believe the statistics will show disease rates to be very low for those practice routine testing and are aware of their partner's test status.

Getting tested rountinely and then sticking your dick/pussy wherever just doesn't seem to be two practices that are often done by the same person.
While Ashely Cummz was the example, she is not involved in this discussion so I am unsure if she will respond. I would be curious how recent of a test she requires as well.

Now, that being said, what is the mentality of a guy who is both willing to be tested and has the money to afford typical porn star rates? Is he such that he would be willing to get tested only to bareback a bunch of chicks that weren't tested before the "prize" of the appointment next week?

If someone can afford said appointment they typically are successful in their business life. Are they willing to jeopardize their health and ability to work successfully if they also are so reckless in their sex life? I would be willing to bet providers such as this price themselves accordingly to weed out those not as interested in healthy interactions.

Amber, your points are very valid but testing is light years ahead of where it was in the past, especially with HIV. While I would never attempt to coerce anyone into BBFS, and that is not what this thread is about, many here that are "risk averse" to BBFS take much worse gambles every day in other aspects of their sex lives.

The questions raised by others about how often, etc. are very important to this discussion. If any ladies who wish to offer this service adhere to strict adult film industry standards I believe the statistics will show disease rates to be very low for those practice routine testing and are aware of their partner's test status.

Getting tested rountinely and then sticking your dick/pussy wherever just doesn't seem to be two practices that are often done by the same person. Originally Posted by Boltfan

Doesn't matter how much money one has to play BB. It boils down to, "How much you love your own life?"

I love mine enough and my children love me enough that its just never worth the risk. I would love to hear 30 years from now from the providers that offer BB.. and see how they are healthwise. Now, it's too early to tell. So, for me, I will stay safe at all times if at all preventable.

Magic Johnson is a very sucessful basketball player who probably didn't have to pay for it, BUT.... Where is he now? SICK as hell. So, was a piece of BB tail worth it? Was it worth it to have to tell his wife what he had been doing? Was it worth any family members being hurt with the news? His mother, his father, kids, nieces and nephews? I'm sure he would say "HELL NO!"

Just play safe. In civie land and in Provider world. No ten minutes of pleasure is worth you life and ruining the lies of everyone around you because you didn't wanna strap on a cover.
Bonferroni's Avatar
Interesting but concerning thread. Applying the typical business filter of risk versus reward: the reward is a natural and free feeling romp. The risk: many viral and bacteriological infections with no exit strategy. I am not knocking anybody that decides to partake in the BBFS experience within the hobby. It is an individual choice...

One other thought: even with all the mandatory testing that occurs within the porn industry, they also face the risk of infection. They had a scare a year or so ago when one of their gents tested positive.
Since the anus on the guys to get tested to see her...

And yes, I am a P1 there. :-) Originally Posted by Boltfan
The anus?!? What the H???
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
Just to give people an idea of the actual risks involved:

In high-income countries, the risk of female-to-male transmission is 0.04% per act and male-to-female transmission is 0.08% per act. For various reasons, these rates are 4 to 10 times higher in low-income countries.[38] The rate for receptive anal intercourse is much higher, 1.7% per act
While I still think BBFS in the hobby isn't a great idea, the way she is going about it, assuming all the tests are legit, makes the odds of catching HIV virtually nil. However, other diseases are a different story.