What 'NOT TO SHARE' means

I have a personal phone number, as Im sure most people on here do. I only share it with people that I know I can trust...along with letting them know not to share this particular number with ANYONE.
Yesterday, I receive a text message from a provider wanting a reference from me.
Im never on here ranting and raving, but this one really got to me.
For now on, I wont be sharing my number with anyone.
Ya'll can use the one thats in the showcase. And for whoever shared my number, I will find out who it is, they're going to have some ass kissing to do.
Have a Happy weekend everyone!!!!
ck1942's Avatar
Amber, sorry for your issues.

Inasmuch as all in the hobby are obviously rule breakers (Texas laws, various city ordinances) many people here cannot easily or always respect our rules or our personal data.

Sorry someone obviously broke your rule.

While I am frequently privileged to be offered much personal data, my promise (and my premise) is that if I accept that data I will protect that data and share it only if given permission by the individual who gave it to me.

My wish is that more folks could do the same.
Samcro84's Avatar
Me too CK. That is the problem with people they do not think like we do. Sorry Amber you had that happen.
That is not cool at all! When ever some one gives me information it goes in the vault.
Budman's Avatar
Get back at them. Give them a shitty reference.
Amber, it wasn't me but I am willing to cum and kiss that adorable ass of yours if that will help.

I too am constantly surprised by the lack of discretion of many of the folks in the hobby. It doesn't just cause problems with the one who made the mistake, but now all of us become suspect and the trust we have worked to establish is eroded. Trust is essential to me as I find I have the best experiences with companions I trust.

Amber, I agree with Budman. Give them a shitty reference.
Sorry that happened Amber!! But I'm even more sorry that I've somehow never seen your showcase until now!!! Holy smokes!! HOTNESS!!!
[QUOTE=Rover14;1052796001]Amber, it wasn't me but I am willing to cum and kiss that adorable ass of yours if that will help:[/QUOTE

I'll lick it while he kisses it ( again) and then work my way... oh hell's bells I'm off subject * sorry you do bad things to me girl *

Womever did this to the sexy Housekeeper... you would be well advised to contact her, admit your wrongdoing and offer a way to make it up... I wouldn't want to keep a sexually DEVINE DIVA mad at me for very long...

MUAH AMBER! Sorry that happened!
Mossman's Avatar
Easily solved. Contact the provider (she didn't do anything wrong) and ask for the name. Let him know how you feel. No need to vent on all, just one dumbass!
Joe Buck's Avatar
Not cool sweetie........sorry this happened to you.
er48665's Avatar
Not cool. On many occasions I have been trusted with personal phone numbers and I always keep them to myself.
Some people just don't friggin GET IT!! Common F&^%N sense goes o long way!
levi tab's Avatar
I'll stand in line to kiss your ass Amber

Yup, I've had a couple Provider friends that don't publish their phone numbers and I frequently hear them saying that a Hobbyist gave her number to a Provider for reference.

Some guys forget that an unpublished is not to be shared...
levi tab's Avatar
...damn I'm still thinking about your butt...