Slave Guinevere has SURVIVED another round of MODELING!! ***NEW PHOTOS***

Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Hello Everyone....

I hope that everyone SURVIVED FIESTA!! Lol... I just wanted to say... that to all you LADIES and GENTLEMAN... who model on a regular basis... That my HAT goes off to you!!

I honestly did not realize... until I became a provider... and NAUGHTY PHOTOS became an absolute job necessity... how DIFFICULT it was to be a professional model...

I have to admit... that prior to getting sick two years ago... I never really had to worry about what I ate... I was a dancer, cyclist and runner... and I had been for years....So, I could easily put away 2-4 K calories a day... and never have to worry about gaining an ounce... Sigh... I MISS THOSE DAYS!! Lol

However, since I lost a rather large percentage of my muscle mass... while I was incapacitated... due to illness... I have been working hard this last year... to desperately try and get my body back... and while I am in NO WAY where I want to be... I am getting closer and closer... to having the body... that I did before...

So... I thought I might share a few of the things... that I have learned these last FOUR MONTHS of dieting and working out...


**To me this is the most critical part of a work out plan... Ember Simmers and I became good friends... a few months ago... and since, we both love to work out AND EAT... Lol... We decided to combine our efforts... to help each other... reach our desired goals...

**Now even though we do not live in the same city... we text each other after each work out... we take photos of ourselves and send them to the other... so, that we can encourage each other... to keep working out... and to stick to our diet... SHE IS AWESOME AT KNOWING WHEN TO KICK ME IN THE ASS!!! Lol


**Now, this may seem odd.... but I once had a therapist tell me... to write in a journal... every night before going to sleep... What this does... is take those thoughts... that are rattling around in your head... and it gives them a place to go... and for whatever reason... it will help you sleep better...

Now, I honestly thought the doctor had lost his DAMN MIND!! Lol... but Lo and behold... it actually WORKED!! So, I extrapolated that out to FOOD... What if I did the same thing whenever I had a CRAVING? Ember and I found that this actually DID WORK... By giving a written voice... to the food we were craving... it became easier to stick to our diet!!

Fyi... there was A LOT of PHOTOS of SKITTLES and CHOCOLATE being sent back and forth... Lol


** My munchkins took GREAT PLEASURE in telling me when I had had enough to EAT!! Lol... They also enjoyed telling me... if you eat that... You have to go run and get 5K more steps!! LOL


**Personally, I have been addicted to these little gadgets for years... and my current favorite is the "UP BAND"... it is easy to use... and syncs with my iphone... and it also tracks my sleep... However, 1.21 Gigawatts swears by his NIKE FUEL BAND!! Lol... My only complaint with that one is that it does not track sleep patterns... and since, I am not as technically savvy as him... I prefer to have both programs in one device...

**I also like to leave this on.... during my PLAY DATES... I find it rather INTERESTING to see... just how many steps... I was able to achieve... with my PARTNER IN CRIME!!


**After about 3 weeks... and my stomach had shrunk... I allowed myself to have one day a week... where I could eat... anything that I wanted... On those days...I do not worry about carbs, fat etc... I just enjoy the day...


** All of us have stressful days and times of the month... that make dieting VERY HARD!! I hurt my foot and knee pretty bad last Thursday... and on Friday... I have to admit... that I did A LOT of COMFORT EATING!! Forgive yourself... tell your work out buddy... and then get back on your plan!! Do not let that one setback... keep you down... we are all human...


** Learn to laugh at yourself... try not to get stuck doing the same old routine... Whenever, I want to shake things up... I go down to my garage... and I put on the soundtrack to ROCKY and I jump rope... punch and kick on my bag... and I try not to COLLAPSE after a mere 5 MINUTES!! Lol

**You will amuse the HELL OUT OF YOUR NEIGHBORS if you lay on your garage floor screaming MEDIC!! Lol... However, if you are working out with a trainer... don't be surprised if they THREATEN TO SPANK YOU for such IRREVERENT BEHAVIOR!! Lol...

I hope that everyone enjoyed a few of my work out tips!! I am in no way an expert... but I do hope... that my honest struggle... with both my weight and body development... might help inspire and help others... who are struggling to do the same...

Here are a few of the photos from my latest shoot... I managed to slim down to 103 lbs for the shoot... and I have been able to maintain 105 lbs since then... Well, except on FRIDAY when I DECIDED that only ROCKY ROAD FUDGE... could make me feel better... after messing up my foot and knee... Lol

Your dedicated slave,


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JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Travelingbro's Avatar
Dayum.... very nice.
Altbier's Avatar
Now, when anyone says "fine ass", that's the picture that will come into my head. My little head says "Hi", too.
savak's Avatar
  • savak
  • 05-08-2013, 09:43 AM
great pics Guinevere, definitely fap material for sure.

Im gonna have fun using them as a custom theme for my PlayStation 3
Jr Fan 88's Avatar
OMG.....Thank you....damn it!
Doglegg's Avatar
Oh my, oh my.

Gorgeous. Simply gorgeous, Gorgeous.

BTW, Guinevere, I quite naughtally interjected an image of you and I having a young lady tied and strapped onto Mr. Roboto, while we took full advantage of her into my most recent session.

That image literally made her gush.

I did not realize that your devoted fan club extended to providers as well.

Using her words "I will be her slave anytime!", I may have to see what can be arranged.

Wow , soooo why have I not seen you yet ? Kicking myself in the ass !
MrKleen's Avatar
...very nice pics, but to fully appreciate, you must see in person
Very nice. Wish I was that lucky bunny.
Blckpr's Avatar
Great pics!
Oh my goodness! The picture with the bunny is so hot! I am drooling over you. You have a beyond sexy body!

And congrats one getting your body back in shape. I am going to take some of your tips and use them.
So Sexy!
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Wow. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks

THANK YOU!! Your kind words and flattery... have definitely made those months of dieting and working out worthwhile... This is why you boys... sometimes have trouble reaching me... because when I am not in appointments... or with my children...I am either napping or working out...Sigh, I really wish there were more hours in the day...

I'll try to have the rest of the photos added to my showcase by the end of the day...and I have to tell you that JOHN_DEERE deserves a GOLD MEDAL... for having to deal with not only a VERY HUNGRY and TIRED model... but I was also HORMONAL... Lol... The poor man... he was only going to be in town for a few days... so, he had to try very hard... not to SPANK ME!! Lol...

What can I say? I REALLY WANTED CHOCOLATE!! Sigh... and SALSA MAN didn't help matters... that adorable man brought me THREE GODIVA CANDY BARS... 7 days before the date of my shoot... Sigh, I swear he was trying to kill me...

In all seriousness... if any of you ladies in West Texas... get a chance to work with him... he is a GREAT GUY... and a WONDERFUL photographer...

Your appreciative slave,

Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Oh my, oh my.

Gorgeous. Simply gorgeous, Gorgeous.

BTW, Guinevere, I quite naughtally interjected an image of you and I having a young lady tied and strapped onto Mr. Roboto, while we took full advantage of her into my most recent session.

That image literally made her gush.

I did not realize that your devoted fan club extended to providers as well.

Using her words "I will be her slave anytime!", I may have to see what can be arranged.

Dogg Originally Posted by Doglegg

I am not sure whether to be EXCITED or SCARED!! Lol...

Either way... you know how I am... I'll have FUN either way...

Your flattered slave,
